Thursday, May 2, 2024

So now they're expecting to be fed...

 So, fair warning, I have several shortish articles I wanna cover about the Palestine protests today, and this first one comes from a David pakman tweet, where the protesters are whining about a lack of supplies in the buildings they're occupying, and how they basically expect food to be delivered to them. 

The funniest part is when the top commenter on the tweet basically says that they expect food from the meal plan they paid for and and then David is like, meal plan, you mean like in the cafeteria?

I mean, these guys are just peak parody. If saturday night live made fun of these people, I would think it was in bad taste because no one is this stupid. I haave been corrected.

Not only do they hate the cops for removing them from buildings they're occupying, which, btw, isnt protected under the first amendment as I discussed yesterday, but now they they want food delivery. They literally just expect the whole world to revolve around them, because they have a point to make.

GO HOME! If you want food, GO HOME. Go to the grocery store. Go to the cafeteria.  Go back to the dorms. Go somewhere where you're supposed to be lawfully. Stop trespassing. Stop obstructing others from using their property because they have a point to make. I think it's rich that these guys expect to be catered to and think that blocking them from getting food is like a crime against humanity, but they see nothing wrong with obstructing others. I guess if you have "a point to make^TM" that it doesn't particularly matter if you're denying others their fair and justified use to their own property. The whole world is just supposed to cater to you I guess.

I mean, I hate to break out the E word, but this is entitled as all crap. GO HOME. GO TO THE GROCERY STORE. GO TO YOUR CAFETERIA, GO ANYWHERE WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE. Hell, let the cops take you to jail, they'll literally give you food there. I'm literally like the free money guy and even I'm like, what the frick is wrong with these people? Even in my ideal worldview, you'd still need to go to the store to buy food unless you  pay for someone to deliver it for you. Which is expensive for someone just living on UBI, but i digress, it's your money. Budget it as you will. 

I mean, holy crap, what's wrong with these people? They're insane. And then the left acts like  we're the monsters for pointing this out. I  mean what these protesters are doing is already illegal and then they just expect the world to cater to them (literally cater food just about) because they have a point to make. Go home, get a life. Blog about it on the internet like I am right now if you care so much. No one's gonna arrest you for blogging. Unless you make death threats or something. 

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