Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dear liberals and leftists, vote like your porn depends on it!

 So Kyle Kulinski just dropped this video about how the GOP is talking a full on porn ban nationwide in Trump's second term. afraid, very afraid. Kyle himself mentioned how he felt a few years ago like we were on this upward form of progress, and how now its more like a basketball game, we were up, and now they are.

Sadly, the truth is a bit of the two.

I do tend to believe, as morality is trial and error, that we are generally on a positive slope of progress. But this is not inevitable. Regressive elements exist, and if we enable them too much and they become too powerful or authoritarian, we can backslide hard. 

I did think, in 2016, that we were on a trajectory where the left was winning. Like, we were in a state where we could be the dominant faction of the next party alignment, and that politics would center around us, and not the right. I also believed, that if clinton lost in 2016, and trump won, that yeah, clinton's loss would've been a minor road bump and while trump's and the GOP's ideas were dangerous, they were very quickly becoming out of touch and the country would not tolerate more than a term of this guy.

I clearly miscalculated. It's not that the right's coalition was destined to come back the second we took our foot off the gas, it's more that Clinton's failure in 2016 drove away that swing faction that could've made our ascendancy inevitable, and many of them are becoming more permanent members of Trump's coalition. And now the democratic coalition is looking feeble again. We screwed up, collectively. Some will say it was us jill stein voters, but i honestly think if Clinton won the same trajectory was inevitable, because no one actually liked hillary and we were on a trajectory to burn out unless we went in a more progressive direction. But I digress. Just me relitigating 2016 again. 

 Anyway we're here now, and right now, the right is looking scary.And as Kyle points out, they just overdid roe v wade. And to add onto his commentary, that ain't the only thing they wanna overdo. Clarence Thomas basically declared open season for all conservatives to undo the progressive legacy this country has taken since the 1960s. We can now undo gay marriage, and contraception, and porn. And yes, some red states are implementing age verification before you can look at porn. You literally need to give your driver's license to look at that stuff in Texas now, and a few other states. That's scary enough, but these guys on the right are talking a full on porn BAN. Banning it all throughout the US.

Guys...we're gonna become Saudi Arabia if we elect Donald Trump again and give him a congress. Yall Qaeda, ie, the religious fundie psychos, want to come for our own. Just like they've been coming for our abortion. They probably wanna take away gay marriage and contraception at some point too. They're that psycho.

We can't give these guys any quarter. I hate that we've gotten here, but we HAVE to vote for Biden to avoid these guys. It pains me to say those words, but if we don't elect Biden, Trump will win, and I fear for the future of this country. So please, for the love of god, let's just get through this election year unscathed. Biden ain't bad. He ain't amazing, but he's at least been decent for us. The right are psychos. Please don't enable them. THis isn't a situation where we can just withstand another 4 years of this guy, no, we might be heading toward a new dark age in american politics if we're not careful. The religious psychos might pull it off, win, and keep their coalition for another alignment.

It sucks, but that's what it is. Right now we're heading toward a situation where we're repeating the 1980s-2010s again with very little actually changing politically. The dems fumbled and now we're risking a turnover. Don't let it happen.

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