Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Biden Bros once again miss the point...

 So....Jon Stewart responded to criticism this week on his weekly "daily show" and....the biden bros are already seething. 

I might as well just post this comment I came across on the internetz:

We all know Jon “both sides” Biden and Trump to the point that vast swaths of his audience will decide there’s no real difference between them and not vote, all when we need them to prevent Trump from destroying liberal democracy.

On tonight’s show he shows screenshots of his critics making exactly this point (including Mary Trump), and instead of offering any sort of reasonable analysis of his position, he misrepresents his critics as being upset with him for not being a slavish sycophant of Biden.

To drive this home, he spends the rest of the program essentially suggesting that what his critics want to see him do with Biden is something akin to Cucker Carlson’s fawning treatment of Putin.

What an asinine schtick. Is the audience laughter even real? Is this what makes “Bernie-bro” types laugh uproariously these days?

Jon had a perfect opportunity to offer whatever defense he wanted. I also think there are legit criticisms of Biden, and I may have even accepted if he just spent the program talking about his right to free speech or something about how he would always back the candidate that doesn’t want to suspend civil rights for millions of people, even if the alternative is not perfect in every way.

Instead it’s just more “both-siderism” except now it’s not just “Trump and Biden are basically equally bad”, it’s also “Biden supporters are to Biden what Tucker is to Putin”.

I wish someone would give him the treatment he gave Tucker on Crossfire almost 20 years ago. Someone needs to tell him to stop hurting America..

I'm sorry, but y'all (ESPECIALLY the place I found this comment, it's literally in their rules NOT to criticize the democratic party, they would BAN me if I actually posted) DO want someone to slavishly suck up to Biden the way Tucker sucked up to putin. That is literally what they want. That is what most democratic loyalists have been reduced to in the past 8 years, and I'm glad Stewart called this crap out.

Democrats, you can't handle criticism any more. You cant handle dissent from the party line. Anything less than nonstop fawning over dear leader is helping trump.

Y'all are like fundie christians. We must such up to this egotistical god named Yahweh or you will be swayed by the devil (Trump). I'm calling this crap out. Seriously. That is all we've been putting up for the past 8 years, no, actually 9 because this crap started in 2015. You guys used to be the party of free thinkers, what happened? I'll tell you, you got Hillary brained. Hillary was "dear leader" for you guys in 2016, and anyone who liked Bernie, or Stein, or Trump, or anyone else, was bad. And keep in mind, even I insinuated Stein might be a russian asset today so let's not act like I'm not willing to call that crap out too. Or call out Trump. Or even....support Biden in my own way. I mean, I'm very nuanced and complex in my analysis of things.

But thats the thing. Despite coming to the same conclusion this election cycle as these guys, we are NOT the same. I support Biden because he just happens to be the best guy for the job (and because yes, Trump is actually that dangerous), you support Biden because you're the same blue maga nutjobs I've been arguing with since 2015, when Stewart retired. I still have my brain and wits about me, you do not. You guys' sense of democracy is atrophied and you can't handle any criticism of your guys AT ALL.

Grow a sense of humor, FFS.

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