Thursday, February 29, 2024

Mitch McConnell is retiring as republican senate leader: good riddance

 So....turtle man is retiring. He will finish out his term, but he's giving up his gavel. Good, good riddance. 

His legacy is a dark one. He represents an era in the senate of eroding norms and increased political polarization. He's the dude who decided when he took over the senate in 2010 that his goal was to make Obama a one term president. This led to insane levels of obstruction in the senate never before seen, with Boehner doing something similar in the house. This stuff is one of the things that caused me to fall out with the GOP initially btw. How the GOP governed during this era was just insane, and watching them obstruct everything just to stop obama turned me off big time. 

He also was responsible for delaying Obama's choosing of a seat to replace Scalia into Trump's term, meaning Trump instead got to replace Scalia. So yeah, screw this guy. 

Anyway, with him randomly blue screening in public, I'm not surprised. Dude's in his 80s and mentally it's debatable if he's even all there. Ya know, it really is messed up, we got Trump who is in his mid-late 70s, we got Biden who is in his 80s, and this guy in his 80s, and Pelosi in her 80s, and Dianne Feinstein who was a vegetable when she died in office, and it's like, these people are MAD OLD, and they shouldnt be in office any more, and they should step aside so a new generation of people can take over. 

So....Im not sad to see McConnell go, it's well overdue. And his legacy is crap. Seriously, before he took over the senate, it was a better place. We had more norms, more cooperation across the aisle, and we didnt obstruct and hold literally everything hostage for short term political gains. This dude's legacy is obstruction, getting nothing done because he didnt believe in government doing things anyway, and a conservative supreme court. Screw this guy.

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