Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Briefly discussing trump legal drama

 So this is weird. Remember how he was supposed to have legal stuff going on right before super tuesday? That has possibly been delayed. And this has been a cause for concern for me. As we know, the most viable way to beat trump at this point is through his legal problems. He has a de facto 100% chance of winning the primaries and around a 90% chance in the general. But he also is facing 91 criminal charges and could be disqualified on the basis of his legal proceedings. 

Now, I wanna be clear, I dont generally believe that we should weaponize criminal charges against presidential candidates. But, this MFer started an insurrection so im perfectly fine with doing so. If anything I think he's a danger to the office, and think he should be qualified on the basis of that.

And Trump tried to delay his legal proceedings until after the election, when it would be a moot point and he would allegedly enjoy "presidential immunity" and the court basically shot him down on that, pointing out the impact this could have on the office and the ability of the president to commit crimes, especially when said crimes were related to overturning an election. To which I say, "good". Because that's why this does matter to me. if the charges were trumped up and fake and random BS like hunter biden laptop like nonsense, it would be one thing, but again, this MFer LITERALLY TRIED TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION. So yeah, throw the book at him and get him off the ballot. Expedite this crap. The sooner we get it out of the way, the better, because then we can just have nikki haley run on the GOP ticket instead. letting this get drawn out during the election season isnt good for the country, but neither is just letting him get away with it. So my take is to deal with this NOW, IMMEDIATELY.And yeah that's my take here.

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