Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How would I fare by my own metrics for president?

 So, I always criticize everyone else, and people might wonder, well, if I'm criticizing everyone else, how would I do by my own metric? Well...not quite. 

I mean i think i applied metric 2 to me before and got like 95 because i myself aint fully consistent on medicare for all at this point. I still support it in theory, but im also willing to compromise on it and if i did I'd take 5 points off. But how would I do on metric #1?

UBI support- 10/10

I obviously support UBI.

M4A support- 8/10

As I said, I kinda speak out of both sides of my mouth myself. I support M4A in theory, but like Yang I'd shift to a public option if I had to and even have a backup option. 

Economic policy- 9/10

Eh, I mean, i support most of the right things in theory,  but like Yang, I'd also possibly compromise and not prioritize as many things as, say, bernie would. Like I could compromise on smaller things if I accomplish my big goals. Let's be honest. And I probably would. What exact compromises would I made? Whatever I had to really. Would I always be happy with myself? I bet in net yes, in the details, possibly no. I support a lot of stuff in theory but push comes to shove, i do believe in prioritizing. 

Social policy- 10/10

I mean, I support what I support and even if I compromise here, i'm not gonna beat myself up to it since it's stuff I'm flexible about.

Foreign policy- 8/10

While I support the "right" positions, I lack the experience and social skills necessary to really be commander in chief. And I know it. I can't say that I'd do a better job than an experienced person with masterful skills on the subject. I'd do okay, but only okay. 

Ideology/worldview- 20/20

Why yes, I would agree 100% with myself.

Consistency/dedication to progressive causes- 8/10

While I would INTEND to follow through on stuff I support, again, politics is about compromises, and I'm not sure I'd be happy with all of the compromises i myself would make. This is why I don't always, for example, crap on AOC. Would I go all ride or die on some minor or even middle tier issue if it was politically convenient? Probably not. 

Experience/competence- 4/10

I have zero actual political experience and am an autistic mess. No way would I want the job. I'm purely a prophet type, not a king type to go back to the Obama analogy. Although I would say I'm a bit of a philosopher king. But yeah. You could do far better than me, who would be subject to regularly burnout and lacks any social skills or willingness to compromise. I'm perfectly fine poking at others to do the right thing from the sidelines. 

Not a spoiler- 5/10

I would probably run as a dem. On a non 2024 election cycle, I might be willing to go third party and play a spoiler, but not when the opponent is Donald Trump. 

Overall- 82/100

So...Bernie does slightly better by my metric than I do. But to be fair, bernie has more experience than me, a record with more consistency, and while not for UBI, might be better on other things. But yeah. You can clearly see what I would think of myself. I would generally accept myself above all 2024 candidates. Heck even the bernie thing, if i was purely running as a dem, I'd bump it to 87, and NOT running as a dem, I'd be a 77. So I guess I AM still better than bernie all things considered. I kinda handicapped myself there. But if I didn't, yeah. I'm still the best. Not perfect by my own standards, but I do show how it's done.

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