Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Rashida Tlaib tries to organize a protest campaign

 So, Rashida Tlaib is encouraging Michigan voters to protest vote Biden in the primary by voting for "uncommitted" or "ceasefire now". And here we go again.

Look, I can respect a good protest vote, but doing it over fricking ISRAEL is just dumb. I won't go so far to say she should be censured or have her career ruined (some have gone that far), but yeah. Again, I find this behavior irritating. I kinda get where Tlaib is coming from, if anyone has a right to complain, it's her as she is palestinian american and is trying to reach out to the dearborn michigan vote (muslims), but yeah, i just find this cringe. 

The fact is, I just dont see this as worth it, and i see it as not particularly helpful, but more harmful. I didnt sign up with the left to deal with this crap, I did it for left wing economic policy like UBI and medicare for all. And quite frankly, given we are dealing with TRUMP as the alternative, and this IS a swing state, we dont NEED this. But again, shes trying to go for the balls with Biden here, knowing he needs to win michigan to win the election, and it could work.

I dont know how big of a wave this will cause. if we get stuck with another 1.2% or something Im just gonna laugh. Sure, given the margins democrats win/lose the rust belt by that COULD be a big deal, but given how badly they're currently doing in michigan idk if it will be. 

Either way if we did lose the election over THIS crap, I'm gonna be pissed. This is not the time, and this is a dumb issue to make a purity test out of. Just how I see it.

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