Wednesday, February 7, 2024

So, this border deal is causing tension among the right....

 So, the right seems like they're at the brink of civil war over this border deal. I watched Kyle Kulinski's takes today, and apparently the party is breaking into two camps over this. 

Basically, a lot of conservatives KNOW this is a good deal for them, and that they're getting virtually everything they want with few to no strings attached. Normally when bipartisan border deals are discussed there's talk of amnesty for dreamers and long term illegals in the US. There's none of that here. it's all border security, in exchange for Ukraine and Israel funding. And a lot of conservatives are noticing this, and a lot of them are like TAKE THE FREAKING DEAL. 

But, of course, Trump, as it turns out, doesn't want a deal because it would make HIM look bad. He cant stand the thought of a deal happening that his name isn't attached to, and he wants to use this as a bludgeon against the dems in november, which I pointed out in my own interpretation of the situation.

And because Trump's word seems to be law within the republican party, a lot of people are caving to him and sinking it to play the electoral game, while a lot of people are pissed off on the right right now because they're not getting something they've been wanting for YEARS now. 

Honestly, as a policy oriented guy, I get it. I get PISSED when dems do crap like this. They could've codified roe, they didn't. They could've indexed the minimum wage to inflation, they didn't. It's like dems dont wanna fix issues, they want to milk them to get people constantly turning out to the polls, not wanting actual solutions, but wanting to weaponize the issues in election years to get votes. Well, the GOP is doing this too. Roe v Wade was a 40 year long target for them and even I kinda believed they wouldnt actually gut it like they claimed to, because it would be too motivating of an issue to give up on. But they did. And now they're losing support over that. But they CAN motivate people on making a big stink about the border, so now they dont wanna act here. And as an intelligent guy who wants results and hates this political game of theater without doing anything (my disdain for dems is largely over recognizing it IS all just theater and they dont wanna solve problems), I cant help but feel for the more intelligent GOPers. They're getting what they want and the party just doesnt wanna do it because they wanna reelect agent orange. it must be frustrating. 

Honestly, I think that intelligent conservatives should be pissed. The dems are doing a better job advancing their interests than their own side is because their side wants to play games. 

And you know what? Once again, the left is getting pissy over this. Keep in mind, a lot of the left are bleeding hearts over illegal immigration for whatever reason. They have an overdeveloped sense of empathy that overrides any logic at all whatsoever sometimes and will just scream kids in cages. Heck, the same people who screamed this at me in 2016 and 2020 (when i didnt care either way) are now feeling betrayed by Biden. I'm fine with this, mind you. Again, I'm basically a moderate on immigration and I'm more than willing to make a deal if it advances my side's interests. I support Biden on border policy here. I understand it's an issue that the right is killing us on, and that if Biden DOESNT do this, he MIGHT lose to donald trump. So if he can come in and fix the border it will take the sails out of the right on the issue. But again, the left is just hand wringing and moralizing over it. And then the left's big interest here is defense funding, and these guys are anti defense budget, and ESPECIALLY against giving Israel money. 

Personally, look, here's the thing. Remember Trump with NATO? And how Trump threatened to not back up NATO if they didnt spend more on defense? And how people said that was a bad thing because it signalled to NATO's enemies (namely Russia) that the alliance was disunified and might cause Russia to make a move, kinda like they did in Ukraine? 

Yeah...that's basically why you don't want to publicly castigate israel for their BS. They're committing war crimes, potentially genocide, I'm not gonna deny that. BUT....if Biden outright castigated Netanyahu could signal strained relationships with israel. And that could cause an enemy of Israel, such as Iran, to attack israel. And then we WOULD have a war on our hands. So you understand why making this public self righteous display of disapproval and contempt like the left wants COULD be potentially disastrous? Yeah. This is why I turn my head the other way on this issue. But I digress.

Basically, the left is feeling doubly betrayed. biden is moving right on the border, and supporting israel, who they hate. So a lot of them are glad the deal is being tanked. I cant blame them given their convictions. But being a liberal, and not a leftist, and being a bit more of a pragmatic centrist on at least these few issues, honestly, I see where Biden is coming from and I largely support these actions. We cant just go full on far left on immigration or we'll get killed electorally, and we can't really NOT back israel either. We gotta do what we can do. Some people might not like it, but tough. That's why morally pure prophets dont get to be kings sometimes. Leaders need to make hard decisions, sometimes they're not gonna win everyone over, but if they advance the greater interests of the movement or organization as a whole, so be it. And we have our own elections to win. We're getting killed by the GOP. Last I looked Biden had a 91% chance of losing to Trump. This is TERRIBLE. So Biden's trying to do the things to close the gaps electorally, while maintaining international stability the best he can. I support him on this. These aren't the issues to die on a hill over, sorry, they're not. My own side needs to learn to take the L on stuff like this so that we can get Ws on what actually matters. We dont want trump to get reelected because he's an anti democratic nutcase. And we want economic policy like UBI, medicare for all, free college, student debt forgiveness, etc. Losing on a couple issues but keeping our guy in power is more important than moral purity here. I'm sorry, it is. 

So, that said, I'm with Biden on this one, and most congressional democrats, and with the sliver of republicans who are sane. The republicans get the border stuff they want, Biden gets a publicity win. It's a win win for everyone except illegal immigrants. And we shouldn't really care that much about their concerns to be perfectly blunt.

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