Saturday, February 24, 2024

Dean Phillips is alienating me hard

 So, I know that I've been endorsing Dean Phillips as a more progressive version of Biden, but uh....two things came out recently that are really causing me to rethink that.

The first being his campaign using AI generated phone calls with Biden's voice to discourage voters. now, to be fair, Dean himself has come out to denounce this behavior, but it's still not a goo look for his campaign to be associated with this stuff. Seems shady AF. Still, I could give him the benefit of the doubt.

What I can't overlook is him proposing running a unity ticket with Nikki haley. Can he stop this enlightened centrist BS? He said something in the debate with williamson about republicans in his cabinet, and that alienated me enough. The fact is, I want someone to the left of Biden if I'm gonna vote for someone else. I almost see this as a capitulation to the right. I mean, if the phillips administration is gonna run to the center and go right of Biden, then forget it, there's literally no reason for me to support him. And even if nikki haley is a "moderate conservative" these days, what does that mean? That she doesnt wanna overturn ALL of the abortion rights? That she will let us keep our democracy while cutting social security? I mean, to be blunt, I'd never vote for Haley. She's preferable to Trump and the people openly calling to end democracy and establish a christian theocratic dictatorship on us, but that's not really saying a whole lot. 

Im really gonna have to rethink my support of Dean Phillips if he's gonna do stuff like this. The AI thing was shady, but I could see someone he hired doing it behind his back, and I could give him the benefit of the doubt on that. The Nikki Haley thing is in bad taste, and just because she is, herself, preferable to trump, eh, her cringe is enough to offset whatever other positive aspects of like about Dean. Thats the problem with Yang and Forward too, and Dean is endorsed by those guys. Too much playing paddy cake with republicans in the name of unity. Remember what I said about purity testing, just because we dont wanna be the psychos who purity test people to death for not being outright Marxist does't mean that we should give up any and all standards and embrace centrism or conservatism.

I have standards, I support Dean because he seemed best by those standards, but if this is how he's gonna do things, I have to rethink that. That's the problem with forward types. They could easily win me over with UBI, universal healthcare, and human centered capitalism, and then they go pulling this crap. It almost makes me prefer Biden at the end of the day. That's how cringe these guys get.

Anyway, it doesnt seem like biden alternatives are electable any way, and none of them got anything going on that I find particularly interesting, so maybe I will just support Biden. He has been a decent president. Not amazing but given what everyone else seems to be doing it kinda becomes that default option that while not great, is at least tolerable. 

Idk what Im gonna do and who Im gonna vote for at this point. But Biden is looking pretty good right about now...

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