Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Discussing Dean Phillips pathetic presidential run

 So I just found out we got a fourth presidential candidate on the democratic side (the three current ones being Joe Biden, Cenk Uygur, and Marianne Williamson). His name is Dean Phillips. He was discussed on Bill Maher's program, and Kyle Kulinski covered it and called him an "ai generated democrat."

That's....not inaccurate. This dude is boring as fudge. Who REALLY wants a candidate like this?! I looked at his website, he has no public policy positions. So I checked out his house of representatives page and while he has a policy position page, not much is actually told to us about his policies other than a link to his voting record in congress and some news articles. 

And...he seems like a bog standard Biden democrat. He literally does not stand out in any way, other than a lot of virtue signalling about bipartisanship, only to seem shocked when republicans don't wanna compromise. So he's basically one of those democrats. 


Honestly, and this seems to be why Maher liked him, but he's Joe Biden without being Joe Biden.

People seriously think that if only we ran Joe Biden, without him being Joe Biden, that people will vote for them. And that the problem with Joe Biden is his age. 

It's not. Here's the problem with the democrats. We literally have like 200 Joe Bidens running around in congress right now. And they're all the same. They might have different names and faces, but they're all clones of each other.

And several of them have a higher national profile than this guy, and were polled vs Trump before. Guess what? NONE OF THEM DID BETTER THAN BIDEN. Hell, many of them did worse. Idk what it is about Harris (maybe legit sexism/racism?) but her polling is TERRIBLE vs Trump. Buttigieg I havent seen anything lately but I checked in 2021-2022 and same crap. No one actually wants him. 

The fact is, for all the talk of Biden being old AF, no one wants a younger version of him. The democratic party keeps trying to raise these alternatives to Biden that look exactly like Biden, or exactly like Clinton in 2016, and guess what? No one actually wants them. That's why we got Joe in the first place. The media tried to promote Kamala Harris to repeat the Obama strategy, it didn't work. Buttigieg literally beat Biden in several primary states before South Carolina, but when the black vote there went for old Joe overwhelmingly...everyone got out of the way for him.

And I'm going to give you a hint. The problem with Joe Biden isnt necessarily Joe Biden. It's a wider repudiation of the democratic brand. 

I discussed this recently when I went over the issues. You got two segments of voters who don't seem to like Biden. First you got the republicans. And they're just gonna scream about crime, and immigration, and fentanyl, and inflation until the cows come home. They're literally living in an alternative reality in which america is under assault by these fake crises that might be real in the most abstract of anecdotal moments, but by and large arent the big issues with the country at large. 

And second, you got everyone else. A lot of people are upset over inflation still. A lot of people think healthcare sucks. A lot of people think washington is dysfunctional. And GUESS WHAT, THE DEMOCRATS SHOULD CRUSH ON THESE ISSUES. But they don't. Why? Because on inflation they've fallen into the same trap as the 1970s of just pretending the problem doesnt exist or citing recent numbers suggesting it's better when people are still reeling from it. On healthcare, they've done literally nothing. On bipartisanship the logjams are definitely on the republican side and they're literally sabotaging washington but they just sit there like la dee da, what can you do? 

It's like 2014 again, where I was basically screaming at the dems JESUS CHRIST THROW A PUNCH ALREADY. And they just come off bad because they arent doing anything. They cant do anything, they just think oh well, what can you do? We dont have the votes, let's not even try. And that's actually BAD from a public image standpoint. 

The worst thing the democrats can do is to not try, and they often get very complacent over stuff when they can't do anything. And they always try to be bipartisan, and then it doesnt work, and then they end up just...not doing the things the voters want of them. 

Democrats lose because people dont think they fight for them.

And what the heck is this Dead Phillips guy gonna do? Nothing. They're just trying to run someone who is basically Biden but not Biden in hopes that a different generic democrat will woo people over, when people dont like generic democrats. The Biden problem isnt a problem with just Biden, it's a problem with their party. And if anything we need someone more progressive, not less. 

Honestly, if Cenk were actually eligible, I would just endorse him at this point. He isnt everything I want either, but unlike the other three candidates he understands that democrats have to FIGHT. They have to throw a punch, get down with Trump in the mud, defend their record, push for new policies. And generic democrats dont do that. 

And why not Williamson? Well, despite her having the best economic position, she just seems...weak otherwise. Like Bernie, he was a yeller. He would get in there with his booming voice going on about the millionaires and the billionaires. Williamson is nice, but she's just too soft spoken. She's like "I'm speaking now" and no one actually hears her with all the other people in the room yelling. 

So idk. If I were to go by temperament alone, Cenk would be the obvious winner for me. On policy, it's Marianne, but it's Cenk in being a loudmouth who can fight with other loudmouths. Biden is okay, I think he's kinda falling into the "sleepy Joe" trope as of late, but I don't HATE him. And on policy, he's...just okay.

Dean Phillips is basically just...as Kyle said, AI generated democrat. Like he's that weird uncanny valley of being the perfect politician, while being fake AF? In other words, I hate him. Because like Kyle, I recognize it's not 1992 any more and substanceless, personalityless democrats who talk about centrism and bipartisanship is the last thing I actually want in a politician. If we're gonna replace Biden, I'd like an UPGRADE, not a downgrade.

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