Saturday, October 14, 2023

Remember, pointless violence is not okay

 So...I feel like people are losing their mind over the Israel Palestine situation. I know I ended up defending Israel invading Gaza...but can we TRY to keep the carnage to a minimum? I saw a video today of a truck load of women and children getting blown up today. And then in Israel some jewish guy started gunning down a Palestinian. 

I mean, as I said, war is war. In war sometimes difficult decisions need to be made, but I feel like the blood lust is a bit...too high. Yes. We need to get at hamas. And yes, collateral damage happens, but can we at least TRY not to be as bad as they are?

Seriously, civilians shouldnt be gunning anyone down. The only use for civilians to own firearms other than hunting is self defense. Gunning down random people out of hatred is well...a hate crime. Hate crimes against innocent palestinians are not okay. Wtf is wrong with people. Holy crap. This shouldn't have to be said.

And sure, I know that this invasion of gaza is gonna inevitably end up hitting some civilians by accident, but let's ensure it remains minimized. When you drop bombs on innocent women and children, it's 

Obviously, I'm trying to draw a middle ground here. I'm not saying Israel should not act. And I know collateral damage happens. I just think that we should try to keep it to a minimum. This is reminding me of when Russia invaded Ukraine, which is not a good comparison to make. You dont wanna be Russia. Ya know? 

Remember, when the west generally kills civilians, its normally collateral damage, it's NOT intentional. The west has ethics, it has rules of engagement. If you're AIMING for these people, you're a war criminal. 

I know some leftists will say all of our engagements are like this. Nah, I'm not making false equivalencies. But Israel is just getting as bit too blood lusty here, and I have to say something about it.

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