Sunday, October 1, 2023

Discussing the republican compromise bill

 So, the government shutdown is averted for now, with government spending remaining intact except for just one thing: funding for ukraine. And I really have to ask, gee, why does the GOP seem oh so interested in killing Ukraine funding? I really have to wonder, gee, maybe the dems were right in that there's some serious russian influence going on there?

It seems strange for them to push THIS ONE THING above things like welfare cuts, blah blah blah. Not that they won't come back with more draconian cuts next year. That's the GOP strategy post 2010. Hold the government hostage to force cuts out of democrats. And I dont blame dems for compromising to some extent, I even applaud the biden era dems for chewing down the GOP spending cuts as much as they do. It seems like the dems get the better end of the deal for the most part. I mean we get to fund our entire government if we just give up aid to ukraine? Seems easy.

Still, I dont like giving up aid to ukraine. And it does seem irrational that the party that not so long ago lived in existential fear of russia and putin seems so intent him what he wants. Idk. I think there should be an ethics investigation into the GOP to see who's getting what from the russians. Just saying. Because this fixation on ukraine seems fishy AF to me. 

Like really. This is the one war in my adult life I actually support. Because it's the closest thing to a black and white "here's the good guys and the bad guys" situation. That doesnt happen in war very often. And with most US interventions in my lifetime, it seems like the US had little to no business of actually being there and didn't seem to have a positive influence on the regions involved. If anything the wars seemed pointless, and were a massive waste of lives and taxpayer money. 

But Ukraine though? Nah, russia is BAD here. Full stop. They're literally full on hitler 1938 here. And yeah, let's call it like it is. Their claims over donetsk and luhansk sound exactly like the language hitler used over the sudetenland. And look how well appeasement worked. You cant appease people like putin. Because putin is LITERALLY like hitler. Im going full godwin's law and I'm not sorry. You dont appease hitler. Period. You set strong boundaries and let him know you're not tolerating his crap. because if you dont you got a bigger war on their hands.

I sincerely hope that the GOP arent actively aiding the russians here. Im starting to believe that russian influence crap the dems were peddling. Because seeing the GOP's primary goal seem to be...helping putin out in ukraine by cutting off US funding there, that raises red flags for me. Not just metaphorically but also literally

Yeah...I really dont like this. I have to admit it's a compromise I dont blame the dems for taking, it's probably the most harm reduction they could pull off, but yeah. I really hope this doesn't actually cost ukraine the war. Because honestly, all ukraine needs to do is hold off until russia runs out of resources and then they win. Our aid was helping keep them armed and supplied, and with that gone...who knows. It's a sad day for Ukraine. 

Screw the GOP. 

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