Saturday, October 14, 2023

Reacting to the German movie "Look Who's Back" (spoilers)

 So, a German friend introduced me to the movie "Look Who's Back", which is about Hitler killing himself in the bunker in 1945 and being teleported to the year 2014 (which was around when the movie was made). The movie is very comedic, I mean some have compared it to Borat, with Hitler reacting to the new world around him, and everyone around him reacting to him. And everyone thinks he's an impersonator. A very good one. 

Anyway, the guy eventually gets acquainted with the new world throughout his movie and he starts getting back into politics. He lays off on the heavy "kill Jews" stuff he did back in the 1930s/1940s. he talks about the state the world is in, and stuff like child and old age poverty, unemployment, and he also talks with people about all of those immigrants coming in from the middle east. Ya know, common themes in politics over there. He adapts himself to the times, and ends up being quite relatable. If anything, he actually reminds me of Trump...more in that in a minute...

Anyway, as the movie progresses and he gains more and more popularity as a TV personality, he gets taken home to one of the main characters' girlfriend's house. And her old grandma recognizes him, and she's like "oh crap, you're the real deal, I recognize you", because she was old enough to recognize the real hitler and was a concentration survivor. Everyone told the grandma she was nuts and that he can't be real and that he's funny and he's telling jokes and stuff and she's like "yeah, that's how it started in the 1930s and look at how it ended up!"

This caused the main character to look at the original footage he found of Hitler that led him to him and he looked at it closely and found that he was actually literally teleported there and woke up there. Then he investigated the site itself, saw burned foliage from where Hitler teleported, and noticed that there was a sign up there saying that the bunker where he died was originally there. And he kinda put the pieces together and realized this was the real hitler, and that he survived his suicide attempt and literally was transported to modern times.

I won't spoil the ending, but it's kind of mind trippy, and something that did resonate with me with it is that he said, "I never said I wasn't hitler, I was honest with who I was the whole time, and you guys like me, you wanted me, you elected me last time, you can't get rid of me, because I'm within all of you."

And it's true. And that's a huge reason I'm writing about this. Ya know, I have taken some social psychology in college among other things, and I do recognize that yes, the traits that brought hitler to power are within all of us, and we are all susceptible to this crap happening again. The movie actually is, despite being a comedy, also very accurate social commentary on that fact. We still go on about wanting to get rid of immigrants today. He even said at the end of the movie, looking at anti immigrant rallies and stuff, "I can work with this." We still tend to get frustrated with politics as is where suddenly a demagogic figure comes along and sweeps everyone off of their feet. And I honestly think this movie came around at just about the perfect time. Around 2014-2015, right before the great F-ening that seems to have gripped our politics during the 2016 election cycle. 

Because when I look at this movie, it reminds me of Donald Trump. This movie was NOT made with donald trump in mind. It was made before Trump. But the character Hitler had in this movie, was identical to Trump. Trump was a media personality, he was very popular. He talked about the problems of our society, but not really in an intelligent way, admittedly, Hitler was a bit more sophisticated in the movie. But he talked about our society being weak, and us losing our way. And he promised to have the solutions and to "make america great again", which is weird because at one point Hitler in the movie was talking about making Germany great again.

And honestly? The reaction people had in the movie was identical to the reaction people had with Trump. They couldn't get enough of the guy. No matter what insane crap he said, he kept getting more popular. If anything, reality seems scarier than the movie. At one point footage came out of Hitler killing a dog in the movie and his show was canned. Trump could LITERALLY shoot someone and people are still ride or die on the guy. I've seen videos asking trumpers if they'd stop supporting the guy if he shot someone and they were like "no, they probably deserved it." And let's not forget the insane things this guy DID do. He's incited people to insurrection, he's given away our nuclear secrets. He's been indicted for literally 100+ crimes at this point, and his base is still ride or die on the guy. The amount of support that Trump has gained since 2015-2016, and the support he still has even today, even in his state of complete and utter disgrace, is scary. This is cult like and this isn't good. 

To some extent, much like Hitler in the movie, it's the media's fault. Hitler took advantage of the media, which was driven on controversy, and laughs, and clicks, and views, to give people what they wanted. And they wanted him. That was a big moral lesson of it. That people WANTED him. He was elected once. His words resonate with people. We havent gotten rid of that base instinct that drives people like him to power. 

Trump in 2016...was the same thing. The media hyped him up, driven by views and clicks and controversy, and they actually created this monster. And I noted this back in 2016. If the media didn't platform this idiot, he never would've taken off. 

Thankfully, Trump isn't hitler. He's not as smart as hitler, he's not as dedicated to his cause as hitler. if anything, Trump was a man baby. He kinda walked into the role of modern hitler somewhat by mistake. He was a bumbling idiot who talked through crap his whole life and made his living being a celebrity and tv star. His business record was crap, but he was able to PR his way into people thinking he was a genius. If anything, Trump punched way above his weight. He cant do anything right, but he can talk his way into and out of anything.

It really is fortunate for the US that we ordered our hitler from And that the dude wasn't as competent, or conniving as the real thing. Because we would be in deep crap if he were more intelligent. Either way, there is a reason I take him seriously now and understand that come 2024 this guy should NOT be allowed in office again. Because he literally is dangerous. I hate to give the dems the W there, but they were right about him, alarmish rhetoric and all. Still doesn't mean that I don't think that they seemed to exaggerate it early on. It IS their job to negatively campaign against their opponents in order to sell themselves, but they managed to luck into being on the money too. 

Now...speaking of which, something I wanna address here, the dems. We, in America, could have had our hitler moment in the 1930s. The rest of the world did. We avoided it. How? Because we had FDR. And FDR was a patriotic american who understood that fascism and communism were no good for america. His new deal saved our institutions. He moved heaven and earth in order to make things happen to make the people comfortable, and happy, and his legacy makes him one of the best presidents we ever had. He rose to the moment, and he succeeded with flying colors.

The modern democratic party? Not so much. Hillary lost to the guy. He wasn't hard to defeat in 2016, arguably. His polling was terrible, his numbers were terrible. It looked like the whole time he would've lost in a landslide. But hillary...sucked. She took the public for granted. She took her run for granted. She went into this thinking she was owed the presidency, and she alienated so many people in her entitledness that she actually lost what should've been a sure thing. I know a lot of dem apologists will blame voters like me for my role in not electing her, but I really think the dems should look at themselves.

In 2016, Americans were hurting. We were still reeling from the great recession. We wanted change. And we had another FDR. His name was Bernie Sanders. I don't think Bernie is perfect, but he is a once in a lifetime politician. He's honest, he's ethical, he had many solutions that would help fix what's wrong with this country, and as a policy oriented guy myself, I endorsed him at the time. Again, i dont think he's perfect. He ain't for UBI after all, but before yang, NO ONE took such a policy seriously, so I can't blame him. He was the next best thing. 

The democratic party, in 2016, could've chose to arise to the challenge of electing someone who could've resonated with the people constructively and implemented the solutions that made them happy. Instead they closed the door on the guy and forced us to choose between them and trump. And people uultimately chose trump. 2016 was Hillary and the Dems' fault. They grasped defeat out of the jaws of victory. They messed up. And they were not the right people for the job.

And while Biden won in 2020, he did so narrowly because he was of the same milquetoast mold as hillary, and the election was more a referendum on trump than himself. But 2024, I fear may be a referendum on Biden. And Biden's numbers...aren't looking good atm. Things can still change, but I'm kinda nervous over how 2024 will go. People still like trump, and while some hate him, I'm not sure the movement that hates him will overcome the one that loves him. Elections are won by enthusiasm, and people are not enthusiastic for biden or the democrats.

And quite frankly, I dont blame them. They aren't doing what they need to do all the time to get this country on track. What we need is an alternative to trump, being merely anti trump is not enough. We need a platform. We need to be willing to act to solve the problems of the modern day. But as the republican party realigns toward trump, the dems are kinda stuck in the hillary clinton mold of what the party should be, which stops it from doing what must be done in order to stave off trump or someone else like him. 

Also, just one more thing. While I admire the SJWs for their dislike of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., their moral policing is just driving people to trump. Seriously, NO ONE LIKES THESE GUYS. People like Hitler and Trump win over people because they can relate to them. SJWs CANT. They end up being annoying, and getting all up in peoples' faces, and ramming their causes down their throats. And honestly? It doesn't resonate. Even worse, it drives people away from them and toward trump. And all of the alarmism they do gets ignored, because no one can take them seriously, and yeah.

Despite hating SJWs, I still agree with them about 85% of the time on POLICY. There are viewpoints im genuinely more moderate or even somewhat right wing on, but I largely adopt a live and let live libertarian perspective that mirrors theirs, but is less abrasive. I once said, back in 2016, you can be for "social justice" without being a social justice warrior. Being an SJW is a radicalized version of common sense ideas that should be accepted by anyone inherently, because they make sense and are inherently good, but because their obnoxiousness and self righteousness is so offputting, it actually creates an opposite movement that drives people to the baddies. And some people will be "bad" just to own the libs. Never underestimate the public's willingness to go against you if politics gets childish or immature. And with the SJW-alt right continuum, we are in hell. Because the SJWs moralize about what should be common sense and most people would likely accept IF NOT BOMBARDED BY THESE GUYS, and the opposite movement gains support. 

We are in danger as long as the alt right and the SJWs go around doing their little spats with each other. Because at the end of the day, I fear the alt right will win.

Even if the SJWs win, it won't be good. Ive seen a peek of what politics is like with those guys in charge in germany. I saw it with the rammstein situation. They're nuts too. 

Honestly, that whole spectrum of politics needs to be avoided and buried, if we want our society to remain healthy. The left's positions should just be common sense. No one should have to argue over them, it's just "live and let live", it's that simple. I want a society in which people just leave everyone else alone and the second someone starts bringing that conservative and reactionary nonsense in here, most sane minded people will not so kindly show them the door. I want people like hitler to be outcasts. Not necessarily because they're demonized by moralists, but because they ARE the weird moralists trying to force their ways on people. And I believe most would live and let live if we deemphasized those issues and kept people focused on matters of more importance. If we substitute these politics of hate with politics of substance, like FDR did, like bernie wanted to do, and like I still wanna do, we will all be better off. The SJW-alt right continuum is a waste, its useless, and even worse, it's a threat to democracy that keeps of vulnerable to the same kinds of attacks that we wish to avoid. 

And yeah. That's my take. I know this is a movie review, but I did this movie review because it's political, and because my reaction is...political. Do better, America, do better. And for the love of God DO NOT ELECT TRUMP AGAIN! That is all.

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