Tuesday, October 24, 2023

What is it about Israel-Palestine that drives people who don't even live there insane?

 So, I'm watching this crap unfold and holy crap, people are toxic about this. I mean Dave Chapelle got told to shut up for giving a take on the issue. And a certain someone hated by the Rammstein community apparently pissed off her new leftie friends and was on instagram ripping into leftists for calling her a "genocide supporter". I myself have gotten the same treatment in leftie circles about this. And it seems like people are so polarized on this issue and have the most batcrap insane takes. Some are literally legitimizing hama's actions, while others just uncritically support Israel's bombing crusade and hate anyone who disagrees, and UGH. I HATE THIS ISSUE.

Like seriously, I very rarely see people get this nasty and polarized over this issue. I'm seeing the two sides commit hate crimes against each other. I'm seeing general incivility, and while everyone is gonna have a take, it seems wierd that this issue is so divisive. I mean, virtually none of us actually live there. And the issue is kind of multifaceted enough where people are going to disagree. I've formulated and fine tuned my stance on the issue as events developed, and I do admit to being pro Israel, but I'm not uncritically so. I fully recognize Netanyahu and the right wing government there are total scumbags. Likewise, I do recognize that there are a lot of innocent Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire. You might criticize my stance, but let's face it, I am nuanced enough to understand and appreciate the other side.

But this isn't actually...about me or some internet debate I got into. And honestly, I'm fully capable of defending my own views and the purpose of venting articles like that is to formulate a cogent response to peoples' arguments. No, this is more just me wondering...why do you all care so much?

Like...I've stated this before, when I covered the issue with Andrew Yang when he basically stated an opinion and the left went apecrap over it, but I don't really care all that much about this issue. I mean, it's not my circus, they're not my monkeys so to speak. This ain't my problem, it doesn't affect me, and I'm quite frankly content to just have an opinion and move on. 

But people get so freaking crazy over this. Like, both sides are tense to the point of cancel culture and escalation of real world violence over this and it's insane. Why do people virtually come to blows over their stance on a foreign conflict that doesnt affect them? Why do people think that their side is unequivocally right and the other side is evil and you're evil if you support them?

Like really, I hate to civility police...but where's the civility here. I feel like people are losing their darned minds and that this conflict is literally bringing out the worst in humanity on both sides. 

And to be blunt, while I've stated what side is the lesser evil here in my opinion, I do want to remind people that BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL in their own ways. Hamas is a genocidal terrorist organization, and Netanyahu is George W. Bush on steroids. At the same time, innocent civilians are suffering on both sides. There is no truly 100% right answer, nor wrong one (outside of explicitly supporting hamas and their terrorism, like wtf people). 

And honestly the fact that some people are supporting the few "wrong" answers that I would say exist just goes to show how uncivilized this discussion is. I mean, where's your humanity? If you're basically so psychotic with your worldview that you are supporting genocide of one side or the other, yeah, I guess that is 100% wrong, but other than that, no, I mean, there's room to blame israel, there's room to blame palestine, and there's room to sympathize with both.

I just don't understand why people are getting so extreme over this issue that they're supporting literal freaking genocide and terrorism and war crimes, and political violence is erupting in the real world outside of the theater of conflict. Like I posted a story the other day about a landlord stabbing a 6 year old palestinian boy. I also saw a story today of some synagogue president getting murdered.

I mean, it shouldnt have to be said. But this is NOT okay. Regardless of your stance on the issue, this is a country of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and tolerance of others. If you hate others so much that it erupts into real world violence and the death or harm of others, then that's a serious problem and that's not okay. 

I hate to pull the paradox of tolerance crap. I criticize it regularly with cancel culture, but if you can't tolerate others to the point of wanting to murder others, then yeah you have a problem and you dont have a place in civil society and deserve to be locked up. 

Idk, I just feel like people are going fricking insane over this issue and it's disturbing the crap out of me.

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