Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dear Kamala, get your crap together, you are LOSING!

 So, I've kinda been shifting this way over the past day or so, but at this point, the dam is breaking today. New rounds of polls in, Harris's odds have shrunk further. I won't do a full election update until Friday, but she's basically losing Michigan and Pennsylvania now. I also watched a Trump rally today as he went to my state. He's hammering her on her comments about not doing anything differently than Joe Biden. He also told a metric crapton of lies about her, but to be fair, your average voter won't know better.

So I just need to say it, WAKE UP! YOU'RE LOSING. You're still in tossup territory, but the loss of ground is still significant over the past week or two and I do think it shows a loss of momentum. 

Here's the thing. NO ONE LIKES BIDEN! This entire election is a referendum on the status quo. it's a change election. Biden's approval rating is 41%. His disapproval rating is 56%. A majority of voters think the country is on the wrong track. And here's Kamala Harris saying she'd barely do anything different than Joe Biden but put a republican in her cabinet, and also going around touting her Dick Cheney endorsement, and it's not resonating. VOTERS DON'T LIKE THIS! 

Do I need to remind people where we came from? 3 months ago, we were facing electoral apocalypse. We were facing the most hostile political map since 1988. Harris brought that back to the 50-50 mark. She had so much energy at first because she was attacking the republicans and bringing fire to them like no candidate has done in recent years. But somewhere along the way, she stepped off the gas. She started listening to political consultants who pushed for the same old civility politics. She started doing olive branches with moderate republicans. She came out with a platform and people found it underwhelming. I've been overlooking a lot of this because even I've been thinking, okay, maybe she needs to do this to win. But it seems clear, going into the last month, that the energy is starting to break for Trump, and that's NOT good. The party the energy breaks in over the next month is gonna decide the winner. ANd right now, it's Trump. And that's giving me 2016 flashbacks. Clinton was way ahead, and then her numbers collapsed going into election day. harris still has some time to turn it around, but still. PEOPLE ARE ALREADY VOTING! I voted already. Others in my state are voting. Others in other states are voting. Election day isn't just a one day thing any more. COVID kind of normalized mail in voting and now a lot of people are voting early. And if the energy is going for Trump now, who do you think people are voting for? btw, you can't say that trumpers arent voting like in 2020, trumpers are pushing for mail in ballots in record numbers and they're pushing an aggressive mail in voting campaign here in PA. So yeah, the trumpers are voting. Independents are voting. The election is being decided NOW. And Harris is sitting there listening to the wrong people, doing the most out of touch and tone deaf things, and it could cost her the election.

Folks, Trump is not "done." I saw it tonight. His campaign still has energy. He still has it in him to give a decent speech that fires people up. And that crap's gonna resonate with normies. Meanwhile Harris is kinda just...losing momentum and sputtering. She's out of gas. She's an airplane that is starting to lose altitude whereas Trump is still going full on turbo charged to the finish line. It baffles me too. I don't get why people like him given how psycho he and his movement is, but he can still give a good speech, and he makes people feel good. He gives them hope of a better america, and sometimes that's all you need. Harris, she has her policies, yes, but she's also kind of avoided doing anything controversial. She ended up ripping off some of trump's policies like no tax on tips rather than coming out with her own like the LIFT act or something. She's not doing anything to fix our broken healthcare system but band aid fixes, and people just don't know how she'll be different from Biden. And then she says it. She won't be. And Trump is seizing on that, and using it as a campaign talking point. And it will resonate, because as I demonstrated, a majority of people actively don't like Biden and think the country is on the wrong track. If Harris can't understand that fundamental truth, and adjust her campaign strategy around it, she's gonna lose. Let this be a warning. I'm not happy with the election as it's going now. If this continues, we're gonna face a repeat of 2016. Except this time you can't blame me, because i did vote Harris. But still. I will be there, I will be trashing them on november 6th for not recognizing this fact, and in my final "wtf just happened" write up, I can probably look back to this post and say "see I told you so." 

I wanna be wrong on that, btw. I believe trump is inherently dangerous and a second trump term could be destructive for the country as a whole. We could see a fall into fascism if he wins. But, to be fair, the democrats are just so bad at campaigning it's ridiculous. And they need to wake up and get their heads out of you know where NOW!

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