Monday, October 7, 2024

I voted

 So, ballots in PA are being mailed out. I just got mine today and filled it out (voted for Harris of course), and I encourage everyone to fill theirs out too. Not much polling has happened over the weekend, my forecast is near identical to the one I posted last thursday, although slightly updated margins in a few "likely" states like new hampshire, virginia, and even ohio. 

It's 50-50, PA, where I am, is the deciding state, so its essential to register and get out to vote. Election is in 29 days if you're voting in person, but as I said, we're already getting our ballots. 

And for the love of god, fill them out PROPERLY. I already saw a picture of a ballot with harris's name crossed out and ripped by some trumper trying to own the libs, and congrats idiot, you just invalidated your ballot. But at least you got to own the libs. Really showed us. But yeah, for us more rational voters, please, fill out your ballot, and follow all instructions that come with it to the letter. Apparently PA is gonna be very picky about what ballots they accept and even not dating the envelope properly can get it thrown out. Don't be stupid.

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