Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Yeah, i think Harris should go in a more progressive direction

 Yeah I watched a bit more news today, and thought about it more and more, and maybe it's post vote clarity for me, but yeah, I definitely think Harris needs to adjust her campaign strategy. The campaign had the most energy when it was going after MAGA and the republicans. They were actually hitting them hard, hyping people up, and then somewhere, they stopped.

I personally blame the eggheads behind the scenes in the democratic party. because everything to them is appealing to this mythical suburban moderate needed to win, and honestly, I feel like it's turning people off. It really hit me today when I watched parts of her 60 minutes interview and on healthcare she was talking about consensus building and the other nonsense word salad words moderate dems often use on this issue. It's like they think what everyone wants it bipartisanship and everything getting along and blah blah blah blah, and you know what? I don't want that. If anything, I'm fricking sick and tired of dems suggesting it. As far as I'm concerned, the GOP is evil, and the GOP won't compromise with us. And if the GOP and its ideas are evil, isn't compromising them being half evil? And if they don't compromise themselves, don't we just end up giving up ground to them for no good reason? I dont know ANYONE who wants "consensus building" on healthcare. People want lower premiums. People want to be able to go to the doctor without the concern for massive medical bills. Why the everloving fudge should we compromise with the people keeping our healthcare system sucking? And you know what? I haven't heard anyone saying that they LIKE that harris is on stage with liz cheney. If anything, I hear people saying that they hate this. They cringe and groan and want to claw out their eyeballs over it. It's a cringe moment. NO ONE LIKES THIS CRAP, KAMALA! 

Donald Trump is a bomb thrower. He's the most divisive candidate ever, he says what he thinks, he doesnt care what the other side thinks, he scares a lot of people, but at the same time, HE'S WINNING. We started fighting fire with fire, now we laid off, and we're starting to lose again. It's not a huge huge deal, we're still at like 48% chance, but still. It is a decline. And I kind of fear the next round of polls to come out. 

Seriously, when will dems learn that no one likes this crap or finds it endearing? If anything, we hate it with a purple passion. You're killing your own side's enthusiasm when you do it. Have you learned nothing from 2016? Ugh. 

I just had to vent. Like, I'm tired of this moderation stuff. I've only tolerated it because I've been thinking maybe we actually do need it to win, but it seems like it's killing enthusiasm and causing her numbers to slump more than anything. Bring back combination of july kamala in terms of tone, and 2020 kamala in terms of policies. Moderate centrist kamala isn't landing AT ALL. It's like drinking flat soda. It's just...ugh.

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