Thursday, June 27, 2024

Can we get rid of the stupid suffering olympics regarding work already?

 You guys know what I mean. "Oh you work 40 hours a week? I work 50." "You work 50 hours a week? I work 70, AND I have a newborn meaning i do it all on 3 hours of sleep". STOP MAKING YOURSELVES OUT TO BE MARTYRS. YOU'RE NOT COOL, YOU'RE NOT BAD###, YOU'RE OPPRESSED AND BRAINWASHED, AND IT'S REALLY FRICKING SAD. 

I tried to watch an asmongold video on this subject. It started off with some younger upper class girl going on about how she thinks the fact that we're forced to work 40 hours a week to survive is F-ed up. And then it eventually cuts to some oil rig worker and how they have it worse so stop complaining. Uh, no. It's F-ed either way. Let's stop pretending it isn't. Modern society is sick. We literally enslave people for the sake of maximizing growth and then brainwash them to redirect their anger about the system toward the people who point it out, rather than the people who perpetuate it. Stop going after the people who complain about it on the basis that others have it worse. I don't fricking care. The fact that we live like this is insane, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. Stop this stupid suffering olympics crap. If we ever want to improve this system, we gotta get away from this weird crab mentality that keeps perpetuating the issue and making things worse. The way to improve things is to acknowledge that we have a problem, and then change how society operates to solve it. But first we gotta admit we have a problem. Gaslighting people into thinking this is okay by minimizing their concerns when they bring them up is sick. Stop doing it. 

Fricking morons. This is why I normally stick to watching left wing streams. 

EDIT: Okay the stream isnt that bad as it goes further on but the first few minutes were cringe. 

EDIT2: eh, I'm mixed on it. Dude came out in favor of UBI at the end but he still kinda seems to be leaning into the "get over it" vibe and I hate that crap. Complaining about things is the first step to improving things, because you need to admit we have a problem.

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