Friday, June 28, 2024

For people wondering why Trump "won" the debate....

 So, I'm looking around the internet, and everyone's freaking out. People are saying in overwhelming numbers Trump "won" the debate. To me, this is baffling, because the guy didn't even say anything. But then I'm reminded of this family guy clip, and...yeah. That's where we are right now. People are literally that dumb. And that's why Trump is popular. And that's why he's winning. It's all vibes and feelings, and even if Biden is 100x better on substance, people just like Trump and whatever incoherent garbage he says. I'm very quickly losing faith in this country. People are fricking dumb. I'm sorry, they are. I know I tend to have a "the voter is always right" mindset, but no, voters can be wrong when they're too dumb to pass a basic competence test on the subject. Not that I'd encourage competence tests for voting, we all know how that turns out, but yeah. 

Anyway, if you fricking morons wanna vote for this idiot again, I guess we're stuck with him. but if democracy fall, it's on fricking you guys. Biden aint perfect. i don't even like the dude, and I kind am with the rest of the country in that he looks weak, pathetic, and too old to be on that stage. But trump is a psychopath and he's a serial liar. Biden 100% was a better candidate tonight if you actually care at all about substance. It's not even close. But sadly, people don't care about substance, they care about who has more charisma, and that's trump for better or for worse.

I'm really getting 1980 vibes here and not in a good way.

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