Sunday, June 16, 2024

Trump floats reimplementing the draft

 So, this is all hands on deck, I'm a bit older now, probably beyond draft age (I think the cutoff these days is 26?), but I remember being freaked the frick out back during the "surge" days in the War on Iraq about the draft. I remember despising democrats like Charlie Rangel who floated the idea of the draft to impose some weirdo sense of "fairness" in which people were expected to all join the military because it wasn't fair if poor people joined disproportionately because of a lack of opportunities otherwise. Like, seriously F those guys, I have nothing but contempt for anyone who seriously considers it. And yes, that includes Yang and his weird public service ideas. I normally love your ideas dude, but that one is your broken clock being wrong moment. 

Which brings us to the Don. The Don wants to bring this crap back. He thinks it will create a sense of shared sacrifice and comradery. And I just wanna say, F THAT DUDE, and F YOU TOO! And this is coming from Captain bone spurs over here who evades the draft himself in the 70s. Not that I'd normally judge such a thing but when you crap on veterans who did go and did sacrifice by calling them losers and suckers, and then insist everyone else must join the draft, yeah.

The draft is like slavery but worse to me. not only is it forced labor, but this specific kind of forced labor gets you killed. I know I give the gaza people a lot of crap, and equate them with the vietnam protesters, but at least the vietnam people were at risk of being drafted and had skin in the game. And if i have anything nice to say about those protests, it's that it's because of that we no longer have the draft and have an all volunteer military. Now people join out of economic desperation than a literal gun to the head. And wage slavery is admittedly better than literal slavery, for all the crap I give it. 

But yeah, don't vote for these fricking people. They were bad before, but it's like they're TRYING to be the bad guys. They're full on psycho. Don't vote for these people. Especially if you're under 26. Or have a kid under 26. Or know anyone under 26 who you care about. Because this is psycho crap. We're literally dealing with the old guy who kinda sucks but is also kinda okay. And then we're dealing with this other guy who is basically more and more the epitome of evil. Choose wisely America.

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