Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Responding to Kyle's reasoning for why Bowman lost

 So, Kyle Kulinski covered Jamaal Bowman getting destroyed politically and his take is  parallel to  mine, but there are differences. I felt like his reasoning was worth responding to.

The "AIPAC money cannon"

I mean, it is true that AIPAC spent INSANE amounts of money on this race. It was the most expensive house race we've ever had. And you cant outdo the sheer amount of cash that AIPAC spent on crushing Bowman. Bowman never had a chance. I'm  not saying it's right. I said it myself, I  dont think Israel should be able to spend this much money influencing our politics. We freak out because Russia spent a few million on troll farms but Israel can just throw tons of money to oust politicians critical of them? 

But at the same time, I do want to say that in a sense, Bowman did bring about the "wrath of god" so to speak by being so critical of Israel. And knowing that this could happen, was it worth it? This is where I'll flat out disagree with Kyle. I respect Kyle on many things, it's why i still watch and respond to his segments  so much, but on Israel and foreign policy? No, he's flat out wrong. He has a good heart, but going all in on this issue is political suicide and now we're  literally losing people in congress over this. And it's not worth it. What do we gain from this? NOTHING! 

So, Kyle aint technically wrong, but we have a clear disagreement about morality and how much this issue should be prioritized. 

Redistricting screwing him

So, Kyle used to live in Bowman's district in NY, and his argument is the 2020 redistricting screwed him. It made him a lot more vulnerable as it shifted him north into NYC suburbs and those voters are a lot more  moderate. However, I am going to go against him on this one.

First, this is the same district he won in in 2022. Yes, they did shift the map a bit for 2024, but Bowman's district is unchanged. It does seem like his district did shift from his original district in the 2010s, but even then his district was mostly just made bigger for some reason, with him having most  of the same voters, but then getting those suburbanites kyle talked about on his show. It was largely kept intact and there was little negative intent demonstrated in the redistricting process. The map was fair, and while a little harder for him to win, he DID win in 2022 there

He had little to no excuse to lose this time. Something clearly changed in the past 2 years to sour the public's opinion of him. Most likely reasons are  once again, opposing Israel, and his fire alarm stunt. 

The fact is, if he didnt go so hardline against Israel, he wouldve been reelected. He screwed up. He should've never done it. It wasnt a fight worth having. And he's paying the price for it.

Kyle talks about this having a chilling effect moving forward, and to some extent I hope it does. Not because I like Israel, but because I want progressives to actually win. Stop committing  political suicide over this crap. Unlike Kyle I dont think this issue is worth invoking this much backlash over. This is an issue to just let go. Spend that political capital on UBI or medicare for all or something. THAT'S worth fighting over. This crap isn't. 

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