Sunday, June 23, 2024

Can we just talk about how dumb this AI trend is?

 So, I've discussed this before, but not in this exact way. I have mixed views on AI. On the one hand, I see AI as potentially very useful in the future. I like technology. I like automation. I like this stuff bringing society forward. I'm not a luddite. 

BUT....I'm developing quite strong negative opinions about the current "AI" trends. I dont have the same opinions as others, like vaush, who hate AI because they hate the idea of a  machine doing what they view as something humans should do. I hate it because it's just so artificial. It's not organic. AI is being sold as this end all be all thing that needs to be integrated into everything IMMEDIATELY and  honestly, I'm going to be honest,  I don't really think  it's that useful.  AI is actually kinda dumb. It doesn't pass a turing test. It's being integrated into everything,  from google, to facebook, to windows, and honestly, do we NEED this?

I was trying to find something on another site earlier, and instead  of finding the thing I wanted, I found an AI response describing the thing I wanted. Gee thanks, but no thanks. An old fashion search is fine. I don't an AI trying to chat with me about said thing, screw off,  I didn't ask for this. But because AI is integrated into these things with no way to turn it off, it's actually making it harder for me to use the service in question. Screw off with integrating AI into everything, it's not that useful.

We discussed CPUs earlier this year and how right after I bought my CPU, now the next gens they want AI integrated into everything, that's proving to not even be useful for anything but laptops and mobile devices since GPUs are better at AI anyway. 

It's just dumb. Who asked for this? And before I get a snarky and contrarian answer that's technically accurate, this is rhetorical, and I'm asking FROM THE CONSUMER SIDE, who ASKED for this?  No one! It's just these weird techno billionaires looking to profit off of this trying to make  it the next big thing and then when you try to shoot down their delusional ambitions, they just lecture you about how "this is the future" and how we have to "get with it", and how they're gonna force  it down our throats whether we want it or not. It's just this weird economic bubble where everyone is investing hard into this and trying to force it to be the next big thing, but it's really just a bunch of really rich and out of touch guys who wanna make tons of money off of it.

I'm not gonna say that there arent some benefits to it, and it's not gonna be cool at some point in the future, but right now, this ain't it. It's just the next "ray tracing", remember how nvidia made that into this end all be all thing only for it to, even now, 6 years later, be this incredibly niche thing that only rich people can enjoy, especially given how entry level GPUs are apparently like $300 now?

Speaking of which, I'm just gonna say it, F nvidia. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, but I liked it so much better when GPUs were used for GAMING. Now the prices of the things are going wild because of crypto miners and now all of this AI crap. I saw a thing recently saying that Nvidia is not the most profitable  company in the world.  Gee, I wonder why. It's because they're a de facto monopoly massively inflating their prices because they got 88% market share, and they're cashing in on this like crazy. It's like the people who sold shovels during the gold rush. And they're encouraging this, because it's their bottom line too.

And while prices are going up by insane amounts, they're posting record profits. So the next time you're in the market for a new GPU and you wonder why the everloving fudge an entry level product is $300, a "midrange" one is $600, and something high end is $1600, or maybe even $2000, just know that your benjamins are being used to light Jensen Huang's cigars. And maybe consider the competition, like AMD. You might not have as advanced of a "feature" set like AI driven stuff or ray tracing, but who needs fancy technology trends when you just wanna play your video games at 60+ FPS? So consider giving the competition a chance. 

Honestly, it would be one thing if this was organic, if this stuff was genuinely useful, and it actually was life changing. But at best, it seems to be a flawed and imperfect tool with some legitimate uses, and at worst,  it's just an annoyance, with how aggressively it's being pushed. I'm all for "the future", but not necessarily the vision these rich a-holes with Elon Musk complexes want the future to be. There is something to be said of the weird rich silicon valley tech bro stereotypes here. No one seems to want this stuff but those guys. Let things be judged on their actual utility and not how they make a handful of people metric craptons of money while providing little actual value to society. 

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