Friday, June 28, 2024

Reacting to "the real debate"

 So....last night someone asked me if I was gonna watch "the real debate", and provided a link to...a version of the debate where RFK would respond to questions. I basically asked "why should I listen to captain brainworm?" but after watching last night's dumpster fire, i decided to give RFK a chance. So I'll grade his performance, just like I did Biden and Trump.


YIKES! I didn't think there was much you could do to make Biden look good, but I kinda wish they put RFK on stage next to Biden. He made Biden look more normal, and more forceful. Sorry, but RFK is just AWFUL on style. It's the voice. I can't get over that voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. It just detracted from everything that he said to a point that I was like "you know, Biden didn't do that bad." I mean, that's bad when he actually made BIDEN look charismatic. 1/5


While he had some populist rhetoric and the whole "the two parties aren't doing enough to address the issues", I heard little of value from him that I couldn't get from the other candidates. He wasn't as bad as Trump who lied endlessly, but honestly, Biden was better on policy. RFK would go off into random questions going on about how shutting down the economy during COVID was the worst thing ever and how his answer to abortion was...job creation...and yeah he didn't do it for me. He had a couple points later on where he might've made sense once in a while, but I can't even remember what they were mostly.Again, he didn't stand out. He was meh. Better than Trump, worse than Biden. 2/5


Overall, the guy gets a 3/10. I gave Trump a 4/10 because even if he lied, he was relatively pleasant to listen to, and Biden got a 6/10, where he was lacking on presentation, but solid on substance. This guy had neither. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. And on policy and rhetoric, he just does nothing for me. I mean, he wasnt as bad as Trump, but having watched his segments, and listened to some of Biden and Trump's stuff again, honestly, Biden wasnt that bad the second time around. I admit I focused more on how they sounded as I was gaming while watching this, but honestly? Yeah. Biden won the debate. I know it's an unpopular opinion today, but sorry, not sorry. Trump sucked. RFK sucked if we include him. Biden sucked too but like everything Biden he manages to suck less than the competition. So there we have it. Joe Biden for the president! I'm not backing down from my Biden support. Sorry, not sorry.

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