Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dear centrist democrats, please shut the heck up

 Okay, so I'm watching the centrist dems gloat over Latimer beating Bowman and honestly, it kinda incenses me. Y'all realize you still need progressives in november right? For all you talk about how progressives "aren't real democrats" you sure AF talk like you need us to support you in November. You always tell us to vote blue no matter who and crap. So why antagonize progressives so much? This is why we hate you guys? You're actively hostile to us, you crap on our candidates, you effectively put your finger on the scale to get the result you want, and then you have the gall to do this obnoxious victory lap telling us how much we suck and blah blah blah.

You realize this crap is what made me NOT vote for you in 2016, right? How after you pulled all this crap with screwing Bernie there was no way I was voting for Hillary in November right? You treat your voters like crap, don't be surprised when we don't bail your butts out in November. You guys make me wanna go full PUMA on this crap (party unity my you know...). 

Thankfully for you guys I'm not really super on board with the far left and their anti israel antics and I have a lot of criticism to throw their way too. And I a supporting Biden for reasons on this blog. But yeah. I have gone third party before. I'm  not opposed to doing so in the future, and a huge reason I've never wanted to unite with you guys is because you DO treat us like this. And I DESPISE you guys for it. 

You realize the left might be a lot more cordial if you guys werent causing such obnoxious infighting with us in the first place? When you crap on us and attack our candidates and tell us we're not welcome in your party, don't be surprised when some of us decide we're not part of your party. You can't it both ways. If you really want people out there voting for Biden, and trust me, you need every vote you can get, you can't afford to piss us off. You wanna play your stupid power games with us, feel free to F around and find out. Again. Because how did that work out for you in 2016? Don't be stupid. 

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