Sunday, June 30, 2024

So...can we replace Biden after all?

 So, as it turns out they're starting to poll about replacing Biden again! Data for progress (admittedly a left leaning polling firm) polled the country about it and found that currently, nationally Biden vs Trump is Trump +3....replacing Biden gives us...Trump +3 or sometimes Trump +2. 

I think it's mostly margin of error stuff when we get trump +2, but yeah, no effective change.

Candidates polled include Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar, Josh Shapiro, and JB Pritzker. 

I'm still reluctant about this since Harris was polled previously and she looked TERRIBLE polling wise. Newsom looked even worse. So we do have conflicting data between the old data and this new data.

Still, I would like to see more polling. The more polling we have, the better picture we have, and the better decision we can make. 

As for who I'd like. Well, let's face it, any option id actually LIKE isnt on here. But then again, thats the point. The DNC would be choosing the candidate, NOT the people. This would be the convention nominating them. And all the delegates are in the dems' pocket so to speak. They're gonna be team players. And lets face it, despite me voting for Marianne Williamson and liking Dean Phillips, they're gonna be ignored for whatever establishment guy they force on us. The list above seems to be the ones on the dems' radar. 

OF THOSE, well, Harris and Newsom would probably be my favorites policy wise. Of course, those two are the ones that I know would be not super electable. Apparently Harris is kinda annoyed she's being passed over as the heir apparent, but given how badly she's polled in the past, I can't blame them. Based on the previous data I had, I absolutely would agree putting up Harris is a horrible decision. Newsom is arguably just as bad or worse. Policy wise, I kinda low key dig him, he's actually relatively progressive for an establishment perspective, but this very poll has him having high negative perception and people associating California's problems with America. And given the dude is "weak" on immigration (as in, he's not a border hawk and even gave a lot of free stuff to illegals in his own state), well that's not gonna go nationally. This isnt really a "progressive" year. 

As for the others I'm meh on the others. I would ideally want someone as progressive or more progressive than Biden, whhich is...those two. Buttigieg is a step down. Booker is a step down and full on corporate dem. Whitmer is moderate AF. Klobuchar is kinda like a beligerent Buttigieg. Shapiro is my own governor, he's okay but kinda moderate. Idk enough about Pritzker but neolibs seem to trot him out.

That said, I actually look at these replacements with disgust. Is this the best we can do? Probably not. But the point is that this is the best the DNC will likely allow us to have. And given how we're facing Trump being a borderline fascist, well....we're gonna have to hold our nose this time.

Seriously, can I be real with you? I SOOOOO wanna vote for Jill Stein right now. REALLY. I DO. And if wasn't in a swing state, I totally would be. I would happily pull the lever for Jill Stein again at this point. Yes yes, she's trash on foreign policy. She has no experience. but economically? Let's face it, I don't like these moderates.

Biden is literally among the most progressive of these bunch. Only Harris and Newsom are arguably more progressive than Biden. The others I view as a downgrade to full centrism. Keep in mind, Biden mightve started like that, but Bernie pulled him into the "Harris" lane of the party. And so did harris maybe. 

Honestly, idk why people even hate Harris. Like, I've had a lot of dislike with her before, but I'll tell you exactly why. Because she was trying to "hello fellow kids" into the bernie lane of the party to get us to abandon bernie, and they were trying to repeat the obama phenomenon with her despite her not having the charisma, or the appeal, and being as fake as a $3 bill. Given where we're at NOW, Harris is looking relatively good to me. I understand a "fauxgressive" is the best we're getting this cycle. Beats an outright centrist. But yeah, people seem to hate her and it's not just that.

Idk, is it the fact that she's a black woman? That she's bossy? That she is fake. is it her being a former prosecutor and reminding me of my former criminology professor from college? (lefties hate law enforcement types). 

I dont get it. She's not a bad candidate on paper. I get that she's no bernie. And that was my big argument against her all along. But clearly, the more normie moderate types hate her too. Is she too progressive for them? idk. 

But yeah. That's where we're at. In short, I would like to see more data to paint a more comprehensive picture for the way forward. We cant tell just from one poll. We need a lot of data to really paint a good picture. And right now we're just lacking data points. This one poll is somewhat promising and somewhat alleviates my fears, but given previous data, I still ain't sure. 

We'll keep an eye on things. 

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