Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden found guilty on gun charges

So, Hunter Biden has been found guilty on three gun charges, related to him buying guns while being addicted to crack cocaine. Idk why anyone cares because the dude isn't president, Joe is, but conservatives tend to make a big deal about this.

And ugh, this is bad timing, if only because now conservatives are gonna "both sides" the felon thing by pointing out Hunter Biden is convicted despite their fuhrer having 10x the amount of charges. 

But you know what? This is the difference between the left and the right. Most of us on the left probably support the conviction and respect the fact that he has been found guilty in a court of law by jury of his peers. And Joe himself said he won't pardon him. So let's dispense with any false equivalence here. Donald is running for president. Donald did illegal things. Donald got found guilty. Joe is running for president. His son, not himself did illegal things, he got found guilty. And Joe won't pardon him. So can we move on, please? Before we even get in this weird both sidesism im sure the right is gonna try to pull here?

No one cares, except conservatives. it's not gonna change anyone's vote (except maybe stupid people, and that's what I'm most worried about), can we move on? Let's move on. And never forget that the left supports law and order these days, whereas the right does not.

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