Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Discussing Biden's recent immigration actions

 So, it's happening. Biden is allowing for illegal immigrant spouses of citizens who have been in the US for 10 years to apply for amnesty. This seems to be a really basic idea, I'm surprised this isn't law already, but yeah good policy. I mean if youre MARRIED to a citizen, that should be a no brainer. I'd even say like 2-5 years here. I mean, you would wanna discourage people getting married just to become citizens, but yeah.

Also, personally, I think if youve been an illegal immigrant in the US for 10 years, you should just get amnesty. I  mean, it's dumb to split up families and people with established lives by that point. Ya know? It's kind of psychotic to just deport people without considering their circumstances. Law exists to serve individuals after all, and law should not be arbitrary where we should just conform to it. There are situations where immigration law makes sense in theory but applying it in practice is inhumane, and these are some of those. And we should obviously make for more humane policy in these areas of law. I mean keep in mind my ideal immigration policy is actually a grand compromise where we toughen up border restrictions to make it harder to come in, but also fix those parts of the law to be more humanitarian. I'd probably just give blanket amnesty to those who have been here for 10 years and have no criminal record (beyond, you know, parking tickets or something, basically no felonies or misdemeanors).

So yeah that said, Biden's kinda done the tough parts to win over some right leaning voters, but still should do more on the softer more humanitarian parts. Still, this is a good start, and to be blunt, im not gonna care particularly much as long as youre not either a nazi on one side or literally for open borders on the other. As far as I'm concerned, do what you need to to stay in office. It doesnt affect me, I'm flexible. Just avoid the extremes. I just wanted to give credit where credit is due. 

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