Thursday, June 6, 2024

Kyle finally finds a free Palestine protest stupid!

 So another Kyle video today, but Kyle basically covered a free palestine protest that disrupted a gay pride parade. And even he's like, dude, wtf, these people can't be this stupid. he literally said on his show this had to be feds or something making the movement look bad.

Hate to say it dude, but this crap has been this bad for MONTHS. These guys just disrupt EVERYTHING they can because they're special snowflakes who have to make a point, and their point is more important than anything else. And yes, the social justice type people are known for occasionally getting in friendly fire with each other and then playing the oppression olympics to see who is more oppressed. It's not out of the realm of possibility of them actually crashing a gay pride parade. Their goal is obstruction and chaos. These people believe in disrupting things to make their point and literally dont believe in protesting in actual 1st amendment sanctioned ways of just not obstructing people from going about their business. it's why I crap on them, btw. It's why I've crapped on them for months, and it's why I've been so critical of YOUR coverage on the matter. Because you've just been giving these guys a free pass and even encouraging them to act like this. I participate in your online communities, they're full of leftist psychos who act like this, and I've been calling this crap out for months.

The thing is, this time you finally found one who went over the line, even for you, because they crashed a gay pride parade, another form of left wing activism that you support. And btw, I support gay pride too. I might not virtue signal as much about it because I dont do that, but I support the parades. They follow the law, they cross their Ts and dot their Is, and they can have fun with their events, as is their first amendment rights.

But these pro palestine psychos, yeah, this is why i crap on them. Because this is their idea of a protest. Block traffic, block parades, I mean, they did this with the macy's thanksgiving day parade back at thanksgiving. They literally glued themselves to the street. To make a point. About Palestine. Yes, they are this insane dude. It isn't feds. These people literally are that nuts. And you've been egging this crap on for far too long. I know you have a soft spot for palestine, but you need to condemn these psychos who act like this. Full stop. This isn't acceptable in our society, and this is what I've been saying from the get go. You're just noticing it now because they finally crossed a line into something where even youre like WTF. But imagine it wasnt a gay pride parade. Would he be acting like this? No. He'd be like "gee maybe we should do something about palestine and i dont get people who get pissed off by this stuff, how can you be more outraged about this than about the murdered babies in palestine?"

But people are. And this is why when security or police deal with these people, the rest of society cheers, because no one likes this behavior except for leftist extremists. Please learn from this and understand that the other psychos you've been endorsing over the past 8 months are literally just as unhinged.

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