Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Explaining exactly why I crap on wokeism so much

 So, I got in a few debates about wokeness lately, and one of them led to one of the crappiest takes I've ever seen. I'm just gonna post and respond to this:

I think your problem with "wokeness" is that fundamentally, you do not concern yourself with other people's sufferings, and so when other people who are politically active and embrace a spirit of solidarity and supportiveness towards marginalised people criticise you and people like you for that, you become defensive, because you realise that the correct thing to do is to care about others. Thus, you want to get rid of wokeness so you don't have to be reminded that you do not care about other people.

  I don't know what first year psych student BS this is, but I think the first problem I have with wokeness is that it leads to weird ideological brainrot like this. I'm a straightforward guy. I don't like to hide my intentions, my core fault is I'm too blunt and too honest. If you don't believe me, here's a few of my greatest hits:

It's okay to be a little selfish

You can't force people to care

Is too much empathy a bad thing?

Here's a hint: I don't care if you think I'm not a good person

Shaming doesn't work on me. I don't agree that it's the right thing to do. And my big problem if you want me to put it in a nutshell and spell it out is that wokeness ruins everything it touches, and sucks the oxygen out of the room on everything. 

In 2016, I was a Bernie Bro. i was told I was racist, sexist, and privileged for daring to think UBI and universal healthcare were more important than racism. I despised the false accusations, the constant attacks and character assassination, and above all, I hated how it sucked the oxygen out of the room on literally any priority I supported.

I hate how the guilt and shaming mechanisms used are used as a form of mind control, shifting peoples' priorities through guilt and shaming mechanism away from my priorities, and toward other priorities. I also hate how susceptible others are to this crap. Meanwhile, I see it for what it is and I'm immune to it. If we actually wanna be Sigmund Freaking Freud as OP is here and run through my mindset, I'll frame it like this. 

I view this kind of emotional manipulation the way an anti virus flags a potential trojan horse downloaded to your computer, or your immune system flags a potential disease vector. Basically, my brain knows what's up, because I left Christianity and I understand guilt and emotional manipulation very well, and my brain will be like WARNING, ATTEMPTED EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION DETECTED. And then I shut that crap down.

The fact is, you gotta do that in politics sometimes. Wokeism is an attempt at emotional manipulation, and as I pointed out in the above articles, you gotta shut that crap down when it happens to you. My brain literally turns off the empathy centers when you try that crap, and I go, no, not only do I not care, but screw you for attempting to try this. It does this to protect itself, to preserve its core programming, and to ensure that I'm only convinced by RATIONAL arguments. Because I understand the point is manipulation and once again, I'm immune. 

So, sorry to say (actually no I'm not), there isn't a little part of me deep down that knows that I'm in the wrong and that I'm suppressing it or whatever. If anything its the opposite. What actually drives the above process IS my ethical system. I have my priorities. I want to remain on topic. The point of this stuff is to distract me and shift my attention elsewhere, and I refuse to do it. And this is why I still have the same views roughly that I did 10 years ago. Because despite all of the changes we've made as a society, I made sure that I remained the same, that I kept my eyes on the prize, and I didn't allow myself to be manipulated by others.

That's all, really. 

Honestly? Want my honest opinion? Only wokeism can create such deranged takes. Rather than take people at their word, they gotta come up with weird psychological theories about how I bristle at this stuff because I know deep down that it's right. Because it's not. I see too much empathy as weakness. I literally do. I literally wrote an entire article on that above. So sorry to say, OP, you're fricking wrong. 

If anything, to double down, my distaste for this stuff goes even deeper, going back to being an ex conservative. You know, I used to idolize rush limbaugh. Read his books and everything. And he crapped on those people back in the 1990s. Talked about how they always did this holier than thou superficial empathy circlejerk and how they always virtue signalled and showed to the world how much they cared, while not doing a darned thing to fix problems. He used to talk about how libs liked to wear those stupid little AIDS awareness ribbons and crap. And for all the crap Rush said that's aged poorly, this take has aged well. In a sense, he's right about the left here. They kind of lean too hard into superficial caring and empathy and not enough into rationality and actually fixing things and finding solutions.

And that's what I'm good at. Actually trying to find solutions. because here's the thing. All of this wokeness stuff is just a circlejerk. You know the pharisees in the bible? That's how I see those guys. its a bunch of superficial caring about the right things, primarily for social approval, and you're literally dealing with pure weaponized autism when dealing with me.

No, really. I'm autistic. Politics is my special interest. My economic vision is my super special interest in politics. And I dont care about following trends or social approval. I'm gonna stick with my crap because it's what I believe in, it's what energizes me. And the only reason im energized by this topic of wokeness at all is in opposition of it. Because again, it's a distraction, and its competition. And it's this weird cultish mind virus thing that's an attempt at manipulation. And that's why I hate it. 

So yeah. lesson learned, take the introspective autistic guy at his word. I'm too blunt to lie. And I understand exactly how my brain works. No need to project whatever ideological brainrot you guys come up with onto me. It just comes off as deranged. I am who I am, I stand for what I stand for, and I don't care what you think. If anything, your hatred makes me stronger and makes me double down.

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