Thursday, June 27, 2024

So...honest debate thoughts....

 So....I'm just gonna come out and say it. This debate....was a complete and utter dumpster fire. Who won? I'm going to say Biden, but it wasn't a really clear victory. I'm gonna rate both candidates out of 10, with 50% being on style, and 50% being on substance here.


Man...he came off as weak. it was rough to watch. He clearly had a frog in his throat, he couldnt clear it, CNN later said that he had a cold. Still, it wasn't just that. He also seemed to be an android *blinks and makes jerking motions with head.* Yeah...that happened. Biden was terrible, at least at first. Still, he got better over time, he got some zingers in against Trump, taking advantage of his convicted felon status and the like. So...I give Biden a 2/5 on style. 

On substance....Biden was pretty good. He had a few flubs here and there, and let's face it, he's kinda moderate for my tastes, but he was spitting facts the whole time. If anything i got frustrated when he ran out of time responding to trump's BS because he was on a roll a few times there. But yeah, on substance, 4/5. 

So that means Biden's performance for me is a 6/10. It wasn't a clean win, but given Trump's performance he kinda won by default.


On style, Trump came off as better than Biden. Still, he didn't come off as great. He didn't really seem very persuasive. He just went on incoherent rants about whatever he wanted to talk about and dodged virtually every question. it was painful to get a meaningful response out of him. he just wanted to go on about how he left the country in such great shape and Biden ruined it, while really not offering anything of value. Still, he was able to project some level of confidence. Not a ton. He ALSO looked way too old and past his prime too. But he did come off better than Biden. 3/5 on style.

On substance. Trump was a dumpster fire. He had like nothing. I think maybe he had a good point on like one or two subjects like immigration in small ways, but beyond that, he was terrible, and even then he was just playing the "dey tuk r jerbs" card way too much and yeah. he had nothing. He lied the whole time. It was a total joke. 1/5. 

As such, Trump's performance gets a 4/10, and I feel like that's generous. But still, that is what I decide base on my rating scale, so yeah.


This debate encapsulated this election in general. We got a semi competent old dude who doesnt LOOK semi competent and looks HORRIBLE on stage in practice. And we got the psychopath who lies about everything but looks just marginally better. Both of these candidates are horrible. Both are a joke. After watching this, I wanna vote for Jill Stein or Cornel West so bad. But given what's at stake this election of Trump wins, I'm stuck defending the nursing home guy. I hate this. I really do. I'm not gonna pretend to like it. 

A lot of people in the dem sphere are freaking out right now. They KNOW Biden looked bad, and theyre talking of replacing him. I'd be for that...IF it would improve our odds, I'm still not sure it would. We analyzed Kamala Harris earlier this year, she had a 15% chance to Biden's 25-30. Gavin newsom and gretchen whitmer were down so much that their chance was virtually 0. So...we're stuck weekend at bernie's-ing this guy. 

Still, I am going to say Biden won here. It wasn't a clean win, I get the concerns and the freak outs, but yeah, at least Biden was semi coherent and actually truthful in his responses. Both sucked, but I still think Biden is a lesser evil here, if nothing else.

As for how normies will interpret it, idk. I mean, your average voter is DUMB. I was gonna say after this if Trump still wins ive lost all faith in this country, but yeah I've already lost faith and I think trump's message will resonate even if he's full of crap. Keep in mind, he was full of crap in 2016 and still won. And people still liked the guy. This might be 2016 again. 

Idk what else to say here. We might be screwed. Still, I'll stick with my opinion. Both sides were terrible, trump was worse.

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