Thursday, June 13, 2024

Explaining to catholics why so many gay people join the priesthood

 So I won't link anything, but the pope has been making some rather homophobic comments about how there's too many gay people in the priesthood and gay homosexuals shouldn't join it. And I'm just going to say that gee, you created that problem in the first place, and by "you" I mean "the church" because I dont want to absolve former popes here. 

Christians are weird on sexuality. They tend to stigmatize a lot of forms of sexuality, such as anything LGBT+ and also pedophilia (and this is btw why there are so many pedos in the church too, not that I'm equating homosexuality with pedophilia, they're two different things). Catholics in particular are weird. Weirder than othesr. For them, anything but peepee in the vajayjay sex for the purpose of childmaking is bad. At the same time, they also dont allow married people to join the priesthood. So, while most heterosexuals are going to pair off and get married, gay people are going to go, gee, my sexual preferences are stigmatized and I'm not allowed to have a partner that I want anyway, so I might as well join the priesthood. And then you get tons of gay people in the priesthood, surprise surprise. What else are they gonna do? You stigmatized homosexual relationships. These guys think something is wrong with them, they dont wanna get married to a woman, so joining the priesthood sounds like a promising option for a young homosexual male. And then the catholic church wonders why the priesthood is full of homosexuals.

And again, this is also why they have a pedo problem. Because the pedophiles are probably thinking the same thing. Gee, their own tendencies are considered unnatural, and they cant live as they want, so they might as well join the priesthood themselves. And then they get caught banging some altar boy later in life.

 Again, I'm not trying to necessarily equate gay people with pedophiles here,  they're two different things (although one can be both, and those types probably join the priesthood too). The thing in common is both of their sexualities are stigmatized by the church, they don't fit into normal society, and might find the church as a place of refuge where they can theoretically live a life of celibacy and resisting those urges to sin. 

The problem is one of those things isn't really a problem. Homosexuality, assuming it's between consenting adults, is A okay. The church doesnt necessary feel like it's A okay, because Christianity is regressive on that front as their morals are literally from ancient times. But yeah, it's okay.

Pedophilia is much less okay and as a sexual activity should remain stigmatized. 

Still, the reason, as I see it, catholics have such an issue with all of these non-heterosexual people in the priesthood probably has to do with the fact that they have a celibacy to become a priest. So anyone who doesnt have a church approved sexuality is probably like, "well I should join the priesthood" if they're catholic. And yeah, that's why.

Either way, the church should probably be far less concerned with homosexual priests than about pedophiles. Those guys are actively harmful. Homosexuals are not, assuming they're interested in adult men and not young men. Same with the nuns. I wouldnt be surprised if it's full of catholic lesbians who joined because their own sexuality was stigmatized. And much like the priesthood, it requires a vow of celibacy. I mean, if your sexuality is considered a sin, and you're catholic, you might as well, right? 

The point is, the pope has no reason to complain. The religion created this incentive system to begin with by being so repressive with sex in the first place and stigmatizing anything that isn't sex within the confines of marriage for the purpose of creating babies. 

I know this won't convince any catholics, and I'm not expecting it to. But, as a secular guy, this is how I see it. You create weird stigmas regarding sexualities, dont allow people to live their lives as they want, and then have an option for those people to take a vow of celibacy and become a priest, and they might do that. Why do you think people take on these roles otherwise? I'm not saying a straight guy can't genuinely be like "yeah i wanna be a priest", but let's face it the incentives are probably higher for homosexuals as they are likely to view their own sexuality as some unnatural temptation from satan and not want to get married anyway. As such, they're gonna be overrepresented in the priesthood.

If the pope has an issue with this, they should change their approach to homosexuality. Of course, from the outside, I'd probably say people shouldnt be catholic and they should throw religion into the dustbin of history and screw all of those weird rules and traditions, but hey, we all know the pope isn't gonna do THAT any time soon, ya know? You're not gonna have a pope who is like "pack it up christianity is false, these rules are weird, let's abandon this crap", so you're just gonna get these people who grow up in this religion doing weird reforms that only kinda sorta address the issue and then are like, gee, why are things this way? Uh...because your religion is dysfunctional and a contradictory mess held together by the philosophical equivalent of tons of band aids? Yeah. Again, just how I see it. 

I mean, Pope Francis is progressive...FOR A POPE. But that doesn't mean the dude isn't gonna have weird regressive views that simply come with being a die hard catholic and being in that belief system his whole life.

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