Saturday, June 15, 2024

SCOTUS is bringing back bump stocks


 Ok, so I wanna be clear. I'm actually pretty pro second amendment. BUT...I do support restrictions. Like on automatic weapons. And bump stocks basically take a semi auto weapon and make it simulate full auto. Basically, the stock "bumps" your finger back into the trigger due to the recoil where if you hold the trigger, it's functionally like full auto.

The thing is, it's not LEGALLY full auto since rather than just holding it down and the gun keeps firing, it keeps firing because the stock bumps the trigger back into your finger. So it counts as a pull each time, get it?

Basically it's full auto, without it being legally considered full auto, and it was banned after that one las vegas mass shooting where that dude in the hotel room was mowing down people with an AR15 with a bump stock and drum mags. Yeah. 

The ban was a good call. But because this conservative supreme court is a joke, they overturned it. Just...F these guys, man. Like really, these guys are a joke. Especially Thomas and Alito. I honestly am starting to wonder if there should be like some sort of procedure from removing biased and corrupt judges. Thomas took all that money and gifts from harlan crow after all and samuel alito flew the flag upside down during january 6th, seeming to indicate support for the rioters. 

I mean, these arent serious people. The court normally has a lot of credibility and these guys are burning it fast. It's ridiculous. I hope they retire soon and a democrat is in office when it happens so they can replace these guys and get some sanity back on the court.

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