Thursday, June 27, 2024

Election Update 6/27/24 (Abridged)

 So, with the debate tonight, I figured I'd let people know where things stand. This won't be a full update. Not enough has changed for me to do one of those, but I did want to have something to go by because the first debate is tonight.

2 way: +1.5% Trump

5 way: +2.6% Trump

So 3rd party candidates are pushing things one point in Trump's direction.

The tipping point: Pennsylvania (Trump +2.8%)

This gives Biden a 24.2% chance of winning and Trump a 75.8% chance.

What changed? Nothing really. RCP dropped some old polls and it made Trump's advantage go up. This is actually a relatively mild fluctuation, but I did feel a need to update the probability based on that. 

If we want a more detailed idea of what's going on with what I consider the hottest swing states:

New Hampshire: Biden +5.3%

Minnesota: Biden +3.0%

Virginia: Biden +2.2%

Maine: Biden +2.0% 

Nebraska CD2: Biden +1.0%

Wisconsin: Tie

Michigan: Trump +0.2%

Pennsylvania: Trump +2.8% (Tipping point)

Georgia: Trump +4.0%

Nevada: Trump +4.0%

Arizona: Trump +5.6%

North Carolina: Trump +5.8%

Not as detailed as the chart I normally do, but it gives you an idea. In other words, not a lot has changed, a lot of movement around the edges. Georgia and Nevada are technically lean now, but just barely. Seems more a technicality than anything. 

Overall electoral map is largely unchanged minus a couple shading changes that don't mean a ton in practice. 226-302 Trump is where it stands right now given Wisconsin is literally tied. So could mean 236-302 or 226-312 in practice. Still, keep in mind it was +0.1% Trump or something in my previous prediction so this doesn't mean much.

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