Friday, June 28, 2024

Reacting to the Dr Disrespect allegations

 So, this is a little out of character for this blog, since I focus on politics, but I do occasionally make articles about other things. This time, I do want to wade into the Dr Disrespect thing.

I actually used to be a fan of his a while ago. During that hiatus I took from here during the Trump years, I played A LOT of video games. And I played A LOT of PUBG in 2017. In retrospect, this is when gaming changed and went to crap, and PUBG and streamer culture has a lot to do with it, but at first, I kinda liked it. I played PUBG obsessively in 2017, and when I wasnt playing, I watched Disrespect. If anything, he was one of the more entertaining streamers, given his...unique personality. He tried to be like this 80s style macho man type of guy, and it was kind of entertaining to watch.

But then I kinda drifted away from PUBG, and that culture, which I deemed as toxic. Had nothing to do with Doc btw, I just couldnt keep up with how try hardy the streamers were making BR games, claiming things like the recoil was "too easy" so we needed to make the game cater to the top 0.01% of the population who were hardcore streamers and blah blah blah, and ya know, I'm just a normie gamer, I'm nothing special, I found the changes too hard and got burned out and quit PUBG in 2018 as a result. I did go back to try a few other BRs like Apex and Warzone in 2019, but mostly I've since returned to more traditional FPS games as they're less stressful and more casual. 

But Doc stayed with it, and I did remember him getting banned in 2020. But before I get to that point, his controversies. I did remember him admitting to cheating on his wife in like 2017 and remember the community being supportive of him for that. If anything I respected the honesty, and thought he deserved another chance. I recalled he got banned over streaming in a bathroom. I thought it was a minor mess up on his part but given how private bathrooms are and the obvious issues, i can see why he got in trouble for that. 

 And then I remember the ban in 2020. The final ban that got him banned from twitch. It was weird. The last stream was up, and he looked at his phone, he started acting weird like he knew he was banned, he started going on about David Ike or something, and then he logged off. People went over every second of his stream and thought maybe something happened where he was being arrested, like someone was reflected in his sunglasses. But nothing happened on the legal front, and it seemed like they just banned him for some unknown reason.

If you asked me, it appeared, at the time, that it could've been contract related. Maybe he broke his twitch exclusivity contract and was punished for that. Who knows. It seemed to be the kind of hush hush thing that seemed to be business related. That was my impression of it. I mean if he did something like WRONG WRONG, he would've been arrested right?

I did follow him in YT briefly after that, but got bored and unsubbed at some point. I kinda got out of watching streamers by this point and would rather play games myself than watch someone else game. I did recall news came out some time after where he basically was talking about how he knew why he was banned, he couldn't talk about it, and he was "suing the #### out of them." He apparently won that suit too, and the two mutually parted ways.Okay whatever.

And then lately, news of his ban came out. An ex twitch employee claimed he sexted a minor on the platform, and I didn't know what to make of it, if the allegations were credible, etc. There was a lot of debate about it, but it kinda looked questionable. Anyway, he was on his stream again and much like in 2020, he looked at his phone, and talked about wanting to ride off into the sunset. Apparently his own game studio burned bridges with him because of whatever he did. Like something was so damning they had to cut ties with him.

Well, this led to him finally giving his side of the story, admitting to having an inappropriate conversation with a minor, but the wording was very carefully chosen and even edited a bit. A lot of people pointed out that it's the kind of language you would use if you were caught by Chris Hansen. Ooops...

By this point, I was thinking of making a blog on this speculating about it, but I didn't really knew where I fell on it. How serious the allegations were, whether he knew it was a minor, etc. But it didn't look good.

And then this article comes out stating he knew what he was doing, he didnt change the convo direction after finding out that the person in question was a minor, and yeah. So yeah. The Doc was apparently KNOWINGLY having an inappropriate conversation with the person. 

And yeah. That's that. Can't support the Doc now AT ALL. He kinda screwed himself.

Idk why this is so hard for people. Don't do inappropriate crap with kids. This dude was like my age at the time of this happening, he's a bit older now, but yeah, mid 30s at the time? Close enough. Why is it so hard for some people to NOT do this stuff around children?

I don't care about his extramarital affairs. I'm not the moral police here. You do crap that's legal and it's like whatever. Same as the Rammstein situation. Some people keep saying it's creepy for someone in their 30s to message like 18-19 year olds. Eh, if they groomed them, yes, if it's a consensual convo between consenting adults, whatever. Dont care about age gaps. It's up to the people involved. But you don't do that crap with minors. Jesus. Wtf is wrong with this guy?

I could even give him some leeway if he didn't know and found out later. In that case it's like okay be more careful next time. I personally dont like to deal with under 18s in general personally as an autistic guy who lacks a filter. I try to make sure all of my friends are adults. if you're below 18, i don't even wanna know you. I intentionally try to avoid people like that, even for "just friends" type of situations (and if i was interested in anything NSFW im DEFINITELY asking for age first). Because you never know how crap will be construed after the fact. Not that it matters, it's not exactly common for teens to try to approach people well into adulthood casually, and most who do tend to lie about their age to fit in. Although I guess in the doc's case, it's different as he IS a streamer and he IS famous. Still, how hard is it to like, avoid this situation? Holy crap. 

Really, at this point there's just no defending this. This dude is DONE. He's damaged goods. For all we know he might even face criminal charges. I know even fricking Chris Hansen himself has weighed in on this which is how bad it is. But yeah, this is just inexcusable. Wtf.

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