Friday, June 28, 2024

The democrats dug us into this hole

 So, with all of the talk of who to replace Biden, many are coming to grips with the fact that they have no one to replace Biden with. Harris is boring. Buttigieg is boring. Whitmer and Newsom are boring. The dems literally spent so much effort sabotaging Bernie and forcing milquetoast centrists on us that now they have no one to run. And because Bernie is too old, neither do we. I'd love to throw Yang or Dean Phillips into there right now, if it proved to be effective polling wise, but they won't go for them either.

The thing, is, the dems sabotage any candidate they dont approve of, and the candidates they do accept and try to foist onto us suck. And now we're stuck in this hole where despite Biden sucking as bad as he does, he's our only hope. I've spent hours watching people responding to Biden's debate performance at this point, and everyone agrees. He SUCKS. I still maintain that between the two, Trump sucks worse, at least Biden was honest, but I can't help but feel like the dems completely and utterly ####ed us. 

We could've had Bernie, or someone else, if they didn't basically force us into this weird neoliberal lane of the party, but now we're here, and we're so screwed. Really, I blame the DNC for this. I blame them for ####ing Bernie in 2016 and 2020. And Yang in 2020 too. But especially Bernie. Let's face it. Bernie had the real energy. He was the democratic trump. The populist candidate who could bring out massive crowds, who was loved by the masses. In 2016, he outperformed Hillary in the polls. In 2020, he admittedly performed worse than Biden, but only by a little, and it would've only cost us Georgia and Arizona all things considered. 

And Bernie aint a spring chicken either. But if he won in 2016 with VP Nina Turner, maybe we'd be running Nina Turner in 2024. We'd have a progressive bench. But the dems basically ####ed us over by destroying our bench because they care about loyalty to the party above all else. They screwed Bernie, they screwed Turner, etc. And now we have no one. The centrist bench isnt any better. We dont have anyone who can poll better than Biden. People are once again already trying to draft fricking Gretchen Whitmer, despite her polling Newsom levels of bad only a few months ago (and let's face it, she's just another centrist third wayer who has the same policy weaknesses of Biden or worse). 

The dems did this. They did it. I actually was calling this back in 2020. That if Biden won, he'd probably lose 2024 because no one would like him. I admit i didnt think it would be THIS bad. I mean, the challenges Biden faced, like inflation, were different than I expected. And I didnt actually expect Biden to age as badly as he has. Seriously, dude looks HORRIBLE. But....the dems insisted on this. They were the ones who put their finger on the scale to make this happen, and now the party ####ed.

If we werent dealing with a fascist who wanted to drag us into christian theocracy as an opponent, I'd just wash my hands and let the dems fail, but that isn't an option when Trump doesn't value the rule of law or the peaceful transfer of power. The GOP is too dangerous this time to be allowed to win, and now we're screwed and all of those chickens the dems cultivated in 2016 and 2020 are coming home to roost. They're collapsing like crazy, and it's actually scary. This is the worst possible time for this, and we're really at risk of a fascist takeover, or more benignly, a 1980 scenario where the GOP exploits the situation to push their agenda making the left unpopular for a generation. 

Seriously. These fricking idiots in DC, they ruined everything. They wouldnt let the party evolve organically, they had to do this risky sun belt strategy out of hubris, and now we're literally on the verge of collapse. The party is literally on the verge of imploding right now. It's not just Biden. It's everything. Because anyone else we can throw in there instead of Biden who thinks like Biden isn't gonna fundamentally be better than Biden. 

We're screwed. Idk how else to say it. We are SCREWED.

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