Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Responding to "how can you support a president that's funding a genocide?"

 So, someone literally asked this in an attempt to voter shame me, and I figured I would explain the process:

1) Request my mail in ballot. I live in PA. We can all vote by mail now starting in 2020. I love it. I already did this step for the primary where I'm signed up for the rest of the year.

2) Vote for Marianne Williamson in the primary. I admit, I didn't do it over Israel, more over UBI, M4A, and my economic ambitions, but I did it. Im standing  on  principle at  least  once this election cycle.

3) Get my mail in ballot in October.

4) Fill in the circle next to "Joe Biden"

5) Put the ballot in the secret envelope

6) Put the secret envelope in the other envelope

7) Return my mail in ballot to the post office

8) ???

9) Profit!

And that's that. Seriously though, can we stop this BS voter shaming? As I've pointed out before, I don't really care about the conflict. I dont think this is a hill worth dying over. There are hundreds of political issues out there. Palestine isn't the only one deserving of attention. Heck, based on the Bowman thing, I think this is a loser for us. If you wanna waste your vote on this, go right ahead, I won't stop you. But I'm voting based on other issues mostly. I have my economic agenda, which Biden very imperfectly represents, and I feel morally obligated to defend him this time.  We have Trump wanting to overturn democracy, we have project 2025, there's more at stake this election cycle than Israel.

I understand that this will offend some people, and people might think I'm horrible for even making the above joke, but ya know what? Screw your feelings, I'm tired of this  crap. You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. You can't shame me into things. I literally don't care if you think I'm a bad person. Deal with it. 

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