Monday, August 19, 2024

Are the greens actually better on the issue of work?

 So, after reading the DNC's platform, I went back and read the greens' platform. 

And I did look specifically at their economic policy on the matter. As such, let's really take a look at this:

All people have a right to food, housing, medical care, jobs that pay a living wage, education, and support in times of hardship.

 Okay, that's a start, but do you force people to work, in order to get such things?

Work performed outside the monetary system has inherent social and economic value, and is essential to a healthy, sustainable economy and peaceful communities. Such work includes: child and elder care; homemaking; voluntary community service; continuing education; participating in government; and the arts.

 Blah blah blah, i dont disagree but still a little work worshippy

We call for restoration of a federally funded entitlement program to support children, families, the unemployed, elderly and disabled, with no time limit on benefits.

 What about EVERYONE?

This program should be funded through the existing welfare budget, reductions in military spending and corporate subsidies, and a fair, progressive income tax.

 Their military budget stuff is particularly cringey because they would cripple our entire national defense. 

We call for a graduated supplemental income, or negative income tax, that would maintain all individual adult incomes above the poverty level, regardless of employment or marital status.

 BASED. Basically a UBI in NIT form. Not as good as an actual UBI, but it has the functional effect of a UBI.

We advocate reinvesting a significant portion of the military budget into family support, living-wage job development, and work training programs. Publicly funded work training and education programs should have a goal of increasing employment options at finding living-wage jobs.

 Back to the jobism

I skipped a few points here...

Forcing welfare recipients to accept jobs that pay wages below a living wage drives wages down and exploits workers for private profit at public expense. We reject workfare as being a form of indentured servitude.

 Okay, BASED. 

I mean, I dont agree with everything the greens are for here. But, they seem to be the only party that supports a truly voluntary economy and supports a system to actually get us there. I am far more aligned with them economically than the democrats.

Honestly...if Donald Trump were not such a threat to democracy...I would seriously consider switching my vote to the greens. At the very least, they hit at least SOME of the right notes. It beats this weird gaslighting they call "labor politics" the democratic party is doing where they lean hard into the work circlejerk. We need to move toward a society where we aren't all just slaves to the economy. 


I really feel conflicted here. My heart says to vote green, but I feel morally obligated to vote blue in order to stop trump and preserve democracy. I hate this election. I wanna vote green....

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