Thursday, August 29, 2024

Discussing JD Vance and the doughnut shop incident...

 So...I'm gonna do something I very rarely do, and that is defend JD Vance for once. Why would I defend him? Because in this particular instance, for better or for worse, I see myself.

So, JD Vance tried to do some sort of photo op in a doughnut shop. It went very badly, he was extremely socially awkward, and he's been relentlessly made fun of ever since. And I get it, it's easy to dunk on Vance. And most of the time he deserves it. Even when he doesn't deserve it (see: couch memes), he still deserves it for being such a weird POS. But this particular instance? hits close to home.

So..basically, what went so wrong here? Well, he was trying to make small talk with the doughnut shop workers and it went about as badly as humanly possible. This guy is so bad at small talk, he makes me wonder if he has autism. I ask this as someone who is socially awkward I highly suspect having it myself.

And that's the problem. These people are ripping on this guy for how weird he is, and I jsut see myself. Now, if I were to go into a doughnut shop, I wouldnt make small talk, I'd just order doughnuts, say as little as possible, and then leave. But this is Vance trying to be a politician and trying to be relatable, and failing badly. After all the talk of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and how "normal" they are, Vance is considered "weird." And now, sure, a lot of his weirdness is bad. Like, hating on childless cat ladies for no apparent reason. But, honestly? Again, Harris's "normal" schtick doesn't work on me at all. I get it, people like the politicians they want to have a beer with, and Harris is far more relatable than Trump or Vance. But idk, this almost feels like neurotypical bullying to me and kind of ableist. I mean, so what if the guy can't small talk for crap. I get it, he's running for office. The standards are higher than some autistic terminally online guy. but idk, I could almost see into the dude's head in that instance and be like "yeah if I were in this scenario, I'd react the same way." 

In an ideal world, none of this would matter. While elections are in fact popularity contests, in an ideal world, policy would reign supreme. If I agreed with Vance's politics, it wouldnt matter how awkward he is. i would still like the guy. Likewise, as someone who hates the guy's guts politically, i would never vote for him anyway. I mean, my big problem with Vance is that he's a republican. And republicans suck. And their policies are bad. Their ideology is bad. Their entire worldview is insane. And Vance has some crazy views that rub me the wrong way. So yeah. 

Honestly, if you wanna crap on Vance for being a weirdo, I'd prefer to keep it to things related to his politics and his worldview. Not how he cant make small talk with some workers on a doughnut shop. if I were to do small talk, I'd do the same thing. I mean, if I were gonna actually go into a doughnut shop, I'd try to talk UBI and worker's rights with them, which might not be appropriate either. In reality, I'd just avoid doing anything like this. Maybe I'd go to a Wawa instead to shore up the Wawa voters after Harris and Walz did one of their "look at how normal we are" photo ops in a Sheetz. 

Actually, it's kind of sad, the fact that I came up with that on a fly kind of shows how bad Vance really is at this. So idk. It was a bad choice on his part, but I kinda can't help but feel bad for the dude, ya know? And that's where I stand on this.

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