Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Yay, we somehow got the best outcome!

 Guys...she chose Walz, she actually chose Walz!

I mean, just to explain why this is a big deal for me, let me go into what her choices were, and how I view Harris. Harris is that kind of democrat who in 2020 I called a "fauxgressive", she seemed as fake as a $3 bill. Like the kind of democrat who would run to the left in campaigning, only to run to the center and govern like a corporate moderate in office. 

There's been some questions as to what kind of candidate and president she will be if she replaced Biden. Biden himself kind of did this middle ground between progressives and centrists, and I know theres been a tug of war within the party what the donors want and what progressives want, and Harris's candidacy represents the next battleground between those interests. As such, her first major decision, her VP choice, is, to me, the first battle we got.

She had like 10-20 candidates to choose from. Of those, a few were good, and most were complete and utter crap. Walz was always my actual #1 choice, with Shapiro being a compromise choice. Walz was the "progressive" pick. it was who everyone on the left wanted. But I kind of figured, well, there's no way we're getting him, he's TOO good, so I mostly argued for shapiro, both with centrists and my fellow progressives who are bugfudge over Israel for whatever reason. Shapiro had, of the centrists, the least offensie flaws for me. What I really DIDN'T want was a corporate friendly democrat like Beshear or Kelly. Because that would represent triangulation to the center and Harris kind of selling out to appease the rich guys who want everything to be "moderate." 

So I mostly pushed for Shapiro, thinking Walz was off limit, and as it narrowed, it looked like it was Shapiro, with Walz still being considered for some reason, and others like Kelly or Beshear still being chosen. But I can't be lucky enough to get Walz, right? Obviously Shapiro is the middle ground option for me and odds are they'll go with the most boring white moderate they can right?


Now to be fair, it's possible they chose walz because shapiro fell through and by then they had no backup option. Shapiro had his share of flaws and skeletons in his closet, possibly literally, and it's possible that by this point Harris had eliminated enough moderates where she had to choose Walz instead, and even the donors were like "just fricking choose Walz". In which case she failed my test, but somehow failed upward. In which case, I say yay, I'll take the win anyway. 

But yeah. This actually is the best possible outcome, and I'm really happy with this. This is a victory for the left. I hope all of Harris's presidency is this based. 

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