Thursday, August 22, 2024

DNC Day 4 Analysis + overall analysis

 So...we had the last night of the DNC. I dont have strong feelings about it either way. Harris's speech was okay. Most others weren't memorable. So...let's skip to the overall impression. 

Honestly, I'm kinda lukewarm about it. I know a lot of people are enthusiastic about Harris, i'm seeing comments online about how the energy of the convention is making people cry with emotion, and I'm like REALLY, GUYS, REALLY? Honestly, it was meh. Maybe it's because I'm an intellectual who goes by policy and not just vibes but I'm kinda walking away with a sour taste in my mouth.

On social policies, the democrats nailed it. Sure, they kinda overplayed the idpol a little at times, but all in all, it was mostly the language of freedom I'm generally in favor of.

Foreign policy I also walked away rather happy. I'm not one of those free palestine people and generally like Harris's direction on foreign policy, so yeah. 

Economically....I've left the convention kind of let down and disappointed. You may have noticed I had a post about how Harris supported a public option on here that is now deleted. Why is it deleted? Because someone pointed out I made a mistake and that was the 2020 platform. Oops. My bad. Going over the 2024 platform, yeah, it's not there. Honestly, the whole convention was a slap in the face to my economic views. Light on policy, and tons of hard work virtue signalling. Really, she's mediocre and went kinda centrist in my eyes here. And I don't like it. her platform is a literal downgrade from Biden's overall. And I can't say I'm particularly happy with it. 

So...all in all? Meh. Kamala Harris is still stale floater water and saltine crackers for me. Just as Biden was. I'm more voting against Trump, than for Harris's agenda. harris leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She's not a progressive in my eyes, she's a centrist.

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