Friday, August 2, 2024

I don't get the Mark Kelly appeal

 So, out of all the picks that are in the final batch of candidates for VP, the one that really stands out to me in a BAD way is Mark Kelly. He's basically a centrist democrat from Arizona, a sun belt state. Some people seem genuinely excited for him, like they WANT him, they think he would be the best candidate. And it just seems so dumb. The dude has no appeal to me. Like, his big appeal seems to be the whole "he was an airforce pilot and astronaut." WHO CARES?! How does that help me? How does that do anything for me? What is this guy for? I think of this guy, and I notice he voted against the PRO act, ya know, that super pro union legislation Biden is for, and he's against universal healthcare. So already failing on several big purity tests for me.

But OMG, wouldnt you wanna see him knock Vance around in the VP debate? Honestly, anyone can take the couch fricker, and I dont wanna choose a VP for short term sound bites. I mean, you could theoretically throw me up against Vance in a debate and I would probably eat the guy from breakfast. He's such a weak candidate. Like anyone can beat him. I just dont want this centrist guy whose big claim to fame is being an astronaut and who looks like Dr. Evil being VP when there are other options. Keep in mind, whoever Harris picks is the de facto 2032 democratic frontrunner. Either go all in with policy like with Walz, OR, go all in with electability like Shapiro. I really have to say it, if we need to compromise and pick a guy to shore up support for the ticket, Shapiro is the obvious option. Again, we all know what my electoral analyses say, we all know how important PA is, if you're gonna make me compromise, please take my governor. You need him. Don't take Kelly. That's my stance on that.

And yes, I know some progressives hate Shapiro, but once again, I find his flaws acceptable. I dont care about Israel, I don't care if he's an ultra zionist, to be fair, the free palestine crowd is more out of touch and terminally online than I am, and that's saying something. It's only weirdo left wing extremists who are ride or die on that, and most will go Jill Stein no matter who is chosen. 

Heck I know she's no longer in the running, but this is why I've been warming up to Gretchen Whitmer. Semi progressive relatively speaking, and then from Michigan, another essential state to lock down. Ya know? And that's part of the reason I went all anti "DEI" against white males above. Because it's like...well if the best pick is two women, JUST RUN TWO WOMEN! Seriously, no self respecting swing voter is gonna say oh i aint gonna vote for this ticket because women. Sure, SOME people might do that, but those guys are "MAGA." Like full stop. 

Just...dont pick a boring centrist with no strategic value, or misperceived value (as in, oh hey, we might go from being down 5 in the sun belt to being down by 3, meaning we go from a 11% chance to a 27% chance. No, lock down PA, which is currently at 75%, and can shift to closer to 50-50. Seriously, given the way the rest of the map is going, you lock down PA, you win. Or maybe at worst go 269 if you fail to win NE2. Either way, someone like Shapiro brings so much more value to the ticket than Kelly does.

And yeah, let me also rip Beshear real quick. he's from a hard red state, he's socially progressive but once again, probably economically centrist. I also wonder what value he actually brings. Again, centrist brained people seem to think that he will help Harris win the sun belt. Others think he will be a good foil to Vance given Beshear is the real deal in being from Appalachia. Either way, I question his value too.

Again, Walz on policy, Shapiro on strategy. The other options suck IMO. 

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