Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sometimes you just need Bernie Sanders to liven up a party...

 So, again, not doing a full review of the DNC until it's over, but I wanted to check in. I listened to Bernie's speech at the DNC live and it was FIRE. Dude advocated for universal healthcare, getting money out of politics, and his agenda at the DNC. I literally stump speeched at the DNC. A normal stump speech. And said he would look forward to working with Harris on this agenda. BASED BERNIE! He's the only one who's had me applauding this week so far. 

At the very least, Harris is likely at least open to political pressure from the left. And as we saw, Biden was capable of caving to pressure from the left, and Harris is too. So, that's a plus.

I still don't trust Harris. But as long as we got advocates like Bernie pressuring her from the left, and a significant number of democrats pressuring her to do progressive crap, maybe she'll do progressive crap. Maybe Harris will push for universal healthcare, if we pressure her to. We'll see. Either way, I'm supporting Harris as a way of stopping Trump and his radical agenda. Hoping Harris exceeds my expectations the way Biden did somewhat.

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