Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Ok, so this actually could be the most important election of our lives...

 So, I've been kind of saying it since 2016, but we are in the midst of a party realignment. The previous realignment concluded in 1980. They normally happen or at least start happening every 36 years. 1980 + 36 = 2016. 2016, all hell broke loose. We got bernie sanders on the left, we got me pushing for UBI, with Yang pushing it as a candidate in 2020, we got Donald Trump and his brand of populism. But, the dems kept screwing up. They pushed Hillary in 2016. They pushed Biden in 2020. And now in 2024, Biden's age forced their hand where Biden was forced to hand over the keys to Kamala Harris, and Harris is now choosing Tim Walz. This is a progressive power ticket, and the best we're gonna get. Harris is the most left of the establishment democratic candidates, and her running mate Tim Walz is midwestern Bernie Sanders. No, really, he is. He's BASED. He's MAJORLY based. And he can frame progressive policies in ways that are popular. 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is threatening to be a dictator, talking about overthrowing the constitution, and pushing project 2025. The republicans are rolling back worker protections like heat protections in places like Florida and Texas, they're trying to legalize child labor. Theyre talking about banning abortion, banning gay marriage, banning contraception, banning porn, pushing religious extremism on everyone. I mean, it's stark. The republican base is in danger of collapsing. Their base is aging, it was probably supposed to age out in 2016, but Trump bought them a few years, and now some are saying this might be the last election they can win. So they wanna get in and force america to the right through disenfranchising the left, and we might be stuck with a right wing government for a while if the dems lose here. We could fall into the hand maid's tale where we become this religious dictatorship where this increasingly small minority of extremists foist policies on the rest of us. Trump is their in, project 2025 is their in. We need to stop that stuff and block this rightward movement by soundly rejecting them at the ballot box.

Meanwhile, if Harris gets in, we get the best possible democratic candidate with the best possible VP behind her. We get 2 terms of Kamala, and then afterwards who is gonna be the frontrunner to take over? Walz. And he can carry this to 2040. Now, I know it's hard to have a single party dominate the white house for up to 20 years. But you wanna know who did it? FDR. Lincoln/Johnson/Grant also did it back in the 1860s-1870s, for 16 years. Reagan/Bush did it for 12. What makes it possible? A party realignment. A party realignment happens when the coalitions in America shift, and often involves one party's coalition collapsing and the other party becoming dominant. It was looking like, while under the helm of Joe Biden, that the democrats were kind of falling apart. That their mistakes from 2016 on dug us into a deep hole and now trump was looking to go full "angst" on us if he won. It was depressing. And I was like, well, let's defend this the best we can and hope for 2028. But this basically is the closest to that 2028 outcome we were gonna get. We flipped the script overnight. We have the energy, we have a progressive power team suddenly, RUN WITH IT. Take over the white house, keep winning elections. Force the GOP to collapse. Because then they'll be forced to moderate and come back in the 2030s and 2040s as a lot more reasonable. Think the Eisenhower republicans of the 1950s or the Clinton democrats of the 1990s. We Harris-Walz democrats now. Get out there, vote, win the election, enact progressive policy, and then win more elections and do more awesome crap. It's a new "morning in America" again to use a reagan reference. Let's make this realignment happen. 

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