Saturday, August 3, 2024

Leftists aren't gonna let us have relatively nice things, are they?

 So, I keep seeing leftists crap on our most likely next VP, Josh Shapiro. 

I admit, I'm very opinionated on the VPstakes myself. Like many progressives, Walz is my first choice, beyond that, it's just a matter of the lesser evil. And for me, of the other candidates, that's Shapiro. Beshear as "red state moderate" vibes that alienate the crap out of me, and Mark Kelly is, well, a centrist on economic goals. Shapiro's big issue is that he's, well, a bit of a zionist. Now, to be fair, he's mixed on israel, he has condemned the Netanyahu administration, but he's also been extremely pro israel in the past, and for some reason, the left foams at the mouth over this issue. And they're crapping on him and attacking him, and it irks me. because if we get stuck with any non progressive candidate, I'm like, PLEASE let it be shapiro. Of the flaws that these candidates have, shapiro's are the least egregious to me. But it seems like leftists and progressives are getting weirdly uppity over him in ways that they dont with any other possibility. They're screeching over school vouchers because something something teachers unions (never mind astronaut man was against the PRO act), and they're screeching over Israel, because for some fricking reason, this is the left's "single issue" of 2024, and the whole world has to stop on its axis because of Palestine. 


I mean, the worst part is, I dont even disagree with Shapiro's comments. Like he had one where he condemned the pro palestine protesters as anti semitic. And to be fair, a lot of the free palestine crowd is completely crazy, and I ALSO condemn them for various reasons. Then there's the fact that shapiro also said that palestinians are too "battle minded" to have their own state, and after researching the history of Palestine and Hamas, I kind of agree with that assessment. Keep in mind, I tend to condemn both factions because both are too fricking genocidal to allow the other to coexist. But for some reason, the free palestine crowd seems to think palestinians are innocent and just wanna coexist. No they don't. They want Israel GONE. And the most extreme pro palestine people ALSO want israel GONE and would probably, in my view, cosign a genocide of Israel itself. Not saying that's the position of all of them, but it's more common than you'd think.

As such, do I blame a jewish governor for being critical of the palestine movement? No, i think he's right on the money. I just dont like Israel either at this point because I'm fair and balanced and recognizing that they're ALSO acting with genocidal intent. Even if I'd otherwise be pro israel, i have to condemn the current administration. And that shouldn't be a controversial position either. my knowledge, Shapiro is ALSO nuanced enough on that to condemn it. Not that I care, Shapiro could be the biggest zionist on the face of the earth after Bibi the war criminal, and I would still support him as VP, because I don't get this being the left's one big purity test of this election year. And quite frankly, I don't think it matters. Most dont care either way, it aint their top issue, and these leftists are just weirdo extremists screaming into the void. Still, they're vocal online and if they actually have any sway at all, are gonna try to push us to Kelly or Beshear or Buttigieg as it's unlikely Walz is "the guy." Which means we might get an inferior candidate. 

Idk, I don't get where peoples' heads are at sometimes. You got the idiot low info crowd who thinks "astronaut" is the answer even though flying around in space doesnt make you qualified for politics. You got the leftist crowd who has to whine and moan about palestine and is trying to screw us out of, IMO, the least offensive of the moderates. 

And yeah. This is why I'm not on the same page as leftists this time. Again, my progressivism is primarily economic, although i am pretty progressive on social issues in a non woke way. But foreign policy, yeah I'm just a lib. And these guys are seemingly putting the economics on the back burner to go all in with this free palestine crap and I quite frankly DONT CARE ABOUT PALESTINE! Ugh. Really. These guys arent my ally this election any more than woke people were in 2016. Which is to say, they're not.

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