Saturday, August 24, 2024

Discussing RFK dropping out briefly

 So, it's late, but I did want to discuss a few topics before bed. First, RFK. 

So, I certainly don't support him endorsing Trump, even if it's none of my business. Seems to be a betrayal of a lot of his long held ideals. he seems mostly motivated by democratic party salt here. The dems were fighting him legally in every swing state and he couldn't muster the money to continue.

I have to sympathize even if I think endorsing Trump is wrong. Let's be frank. The democratic party are scumbags. They do this crap every election. You want to change things, you run in the primary. Democratic party is basically machine politics with shadowy party heads making the big decisions. They choose who gets nominated (to a certain extent), and they try to crush any primary challenge. Their guy always wins because most voters are, as we discussed earlier tonight, shallow idiots who lack any informed expertise on policy, or ideology, and who will just vote for whomever the democrats put up. people dont like me saying this, but if I said 98% of the population is unqualified to do heart surgery, they'd probably believe me. If I say 98% of people dont know what they're doing with voting, they get mad. I'm sorry, Im pro democracy as the least bad system, BUT, man, most voters kind of lack expertise in the subject. Sorry not sorry, and the skill gap between those who know and those who don't is massive. What makes me qualified? Well, I have two bachelors and a masters in related subjects, and I have spent most of my time since building up my entire worldview from scratch. I consider myself more informed than most. Certainly not the most informed, I do feel like i recognize my limits as per dunning kruger syndrome, but that said I recognize the lack of expertise in others. But yes, I'll say most voters are really just passive consumers of knowledge in politics and they're well within "the cave" so to speak. Sorry, not sorry.

But yeah, the dems push their candidate. Most voters just accept them due to them being relatively "low information" (and no the term isn't racist, any voter in "the cave" is effectively low information to me), and yeah. We end up with these crappy candidates that many people don't even want, even if they did vote for them. And I look at them, think they're mediocre and i dont like them either.

So imagine you're someone who sees this, understands how the process is stacked against you, so you say, screw it, dems rig everything, you decide to run third party. Well, now the dems are openly hostile toward you, throw dozens of legal challenges at you, you struggle to even get on the ballot as the two parties set the requirements to get on the ballot and are inherently anti competitive, and eventually, you get so pissed, you drop out, you blast the democrats for everything they did, and endorse the republicans out of spite.

And folks, that's how we got here with RFK.

I don't like RFK. I've made that clear. I think his candidacy was a joke. i think his ideas were fringe. I dont think he was the intellectual savior we've been looking for who "gets it", but darn it, he had a right to run just like eeryone else should. And the dems being anti competitive, screwed him at every turn. They screwed him inside the party. They screwed him outside of it. i get it, I get why the dude's angry. it's the same reason I voted green in 2016 and 2020.'s the thing. You wanna know what's worse than a 2 party system? A one party system. And that's the future donald trump wants. He wants to destroy democracy altogether. We can't let him. So whatever grievances RFK has, can wait. My own can wait until 2028. His should too. We gotta pull together. I know supporting the democrats is an ask. I hate doing it myself. But the situation is that serious, and well, you see my election predictions, WE NEED EVERY VOTE.

That said, i'll say this. I respect RFK leaving himself on the ballot in safe states, but not in swing states. Even though I suspect RFK is helping Harris at this point staying on the ballot, well, if youre in the swing states, please, just vote harris. You can protest all you want in any state with a +8 margin or more, i dont care. Maybe 10-12 if you wanna be super safe, but I'll settle for 8. Anything redder than Florida and bluer than Minnesota on my chart. But if you live in those say, 15 or so states/districts (in the case of maine and nebraska) "in play", just vote for Harris, please. I mean, future generations will thank you.

Either way, I get it. I get why RFK is doing it. He's bitter. I dont blame him. I just think, now is not the time for this grievance. 

And trust me, I'm really NOT super enthusiastic about the dems this time around either. I still view them as toxic, and they really do have this mindset that if you're not really 100% die hard for them, that you're bad. Even if I am like 60% there and am voting for them, me just saying this crap is enough to get put on a lot of online democratic spaces' blacklist if I expressed such views there. I would know. I already got effectively kicked out of a kamala harris related subreddit for trash talking hillary. Yeah. 

and I've been watching coverage tonight of how pro palestinian activists were kicked out of the DNC, including, possibly, Hasan Piker. Now, in Hasan's case it was vague, and the accusation is speculative, but we do know dems have been hostile toward people with explicitly pro palestine symbols brought into the DNC. To some extent this was to prevent disruption of the event, since you know those types are toxic and disruptive, but at the same time, cracking down too hard kind of gives the vibe that if you're not 100% for them, and show anything less than unbridled enthusiasm for the democrats, you're not wanted. And I just value my freedom of thought too much for that crap. 

But yeah, that's how the dems are. They're toxic. They enforce group think. They're hostile toward progressives. They're hostile toward RFK. Under any normal election cycle, I'd just keep viewing them as the tyrants they are and opposing them like I have previously. The difference is that this time around, we got a bigger tyrant to deal with. So Trump comes first. And honestly, RFK? Tisk tisk tisk. Really? You're endorsing trump? I'd respect it more if you endorsed no one. I get the dems being bad and screwing you, but NEVER endorse or support trump. he's worse. He's the one guy worse than the DNC and their shady bullcrap. Never endorse him. 

Anyway that's it for now I guess.

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