Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Why are republicans so bad at this?

 So, I'm gonna be honest, a month ago, even 2-3 weeks ago, I was dooming. Hard. It really did seem like the republicans had this wrapped up, we were stuck, and there was no way out. Republicans were hammering away at us, not just on Biden's age, but also the issues. Inflation, immigration, crime. Any attacks we were making against them weren't landing, despite their candidate being a convicted felon, talking openly about wanting to be a dictator while basically encouraging his supporters to commit an insurrection against the US, pushing this project 2025 stuff, and it really seemed like we were toast. They were winning. And we really were struggling against them. Even if the above criticisms against us had decent explanations like inflation not being biden's fault but supply chain issues and corporate greed, and us offering to solve the immigration problem, but them refusing because they wanted to weaponize against us, NOTHING WAS LANDING. It was like we were in a tail spin we couldn't pull out of. 

There was debate about whether we should replace Biden. I was actually leaning against it since at the time, Harris and others had horrible polling numbers. I felt more comfortable sticking with what we knew, because replacing Biden seemed like possibly making a bad situation worse. But then the establishment forced Biden's hand, he stepped down, Harris became the nominee, the process went smoothly, the party rallied behind her, and suddenly our poll numbers shot up.

And it seemed like with that, the republican storm has begun to pass. Republicans started stumbling over themselves. Despite the signs that Biden might be forced out of the race looking readily apparent, the right seemed to be caught with their pants down. Suddenly their attacks stopped hitting, and suddenly ours started to. Gone was discussion of inflation and immigration and how our candidate struggled to complete basic sentences due to advanced age. Suddenly, it seemed obvious that Trump was the old one now. That he was out of touch, pandering to an aging crowd, and rambling like he himself has some form of mental decline. Suddenly people couldnt attack Harris properly without resorting to racism or sexism. Her race became an apparent point of confusion, since the idea of a "mixed race" person seems foreign to them. They're misspelling her name and calling her stuff like "Kamabla." They appeal to sexism and how she apparently used sex to climb the ladder, ignoring that Trump is literally probably the most sexually "loose" guy to run for president. As Trump's numbers fell, they started getting more desperate, and with the VP pick, they're really showing themselves to be even worse.

They attack Tim Walz as a radical leftists while ignoring most of his policies that make this so. Because Tim Walz, despite being extremely progressive, is so in this weird non ideological way where he's just like "I'm for good things and against bad things, why are you against bad things, are you weird?" They're settling on attacking him, calling him "Tampon Tim" because he apparently was for free menstrual products for high school students. And even kept them in the boys bathroom as well for the 0.6% of trans people that exist. And apparently the republicans have to hone in on this. Because they can't resist making butts out of themselves on the trans issue. 

For Walz, social issues are a lot like they are for me, "mind your own damn business". But republicans cant do that. They have to be "weird", and have to dictate their ideas on us. 

They portray minnesota as a hellscape, attacking Walz for apparently not being fast enough with the national guard when the rioters burned down the Minneapolis police barracks. Don't ask Donald Trump what he was doing for 3 hours between say, 1 PM, and 4 PM, on January 6, 2021. 

They attack him for getting a DUI in the 1990s, after which the dude swore off drinking. How many felonies does donald trump have again?

They attack him for allowing convicted felons to vote. Despite having one on the top of their ticket. 

They attack him for retiring from the national guard a few short months before his unit was called to be deployed in Iraq. Sounds like good timing for me, but um...didn't Donald Trump literally dodge the draft due to "bone spurs" and call avoiding STDs from all of the orgies he was having his "personal vietnam"?

Theyre attacking him for not having any financial interests in stocks like most Americans...only for him to be called...financially illiterate? No, dude, he's just poor like the rest of us.

I mean, it seems like the more attacks they make the more desperate they get. It really is like watching a DBZ villain struggling because goku/gohan/vegeta got a power boost and is starting to rip them to shreds. One minute they have it wrapped up and they're so confident, and now suddenly theyre just struggling really badly. And it really is pathetic. Because the attacks are so bad now. No longer are they focusing on policy. Theyre getting bogged down in identity politics (in a bad way), and making weird ad hominems that aren't landing, and just straight up being out of touch. It's hilarious. What the heck happened? Why are they so bad at this? It's like they're truly incompetent all of the sudden. And they're struggling so badly.

Now these guys are posting on their own forums, oh gee, should we be concerned about kamala's crowd sizes? Only for them to reassure themselves that no, george soros is paying them all to be there. I mean, what the heck, guys? Are you really that dumb? Yes, it's the beginning of the end for you and your whole cursed "weird" campaign. Polling is shifting. In a few more weeks I actually kind of expect harris to start out right winning, or at least for it to enter "tossup" territory (ie, anything between 40-60% odds for both candidates). Really, we're just short of that right now. Current prediction is 251-287 with a 33% chance of winning, just saying (final prediction for the week will come out Friday/Saturday like normal). I just flipped Wisconsin to the blue column today. Things really are improving at record speeds, and it seems like all the republicans can do is flail helplessly as they locked themselves into a ticket that does them no favors. If they ran Nikki Haley, we'd probably be doomed even with harris. If they ran Doug Burgum, well, idk if he would help them but at least we wouldn't be making couch memes against him or taking advantage of cringey "childless cat lady" comments. 

But as of now, the difference couldnt be starker. You can either vote for the normal people who frame progressivism as the most normal and moderate thing in the world, doing what I can't because I'm way too hard headed and ideological and combative to frame my ideas in a disarming way, or you vote for the crazy unhinged weirdos who wanna end democracy and force us to live in a christian theocracy. Your choice America. I think we're gonna win.

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