Saturday, August 3, 2024

Why the "weird" attacks work

 So, republicans really don't like being called weird. And the democrats like to call them weird. Because they are weird. They have these weird religious views that they want to force on everyone else. JD Vance is especially weird. He keeps attacking childfree people and having really "weird" views on parenthood and childless people. This wouldn't be a huge deal in and of itself, but these motherfrickers really wanna force their views on people. They have this idea that the American family is "under attack" because other people dare to exist and live differently, and they want to take back the American forcing everyone else to be like them. And attacking this works because much of mainstream society is inherently more liberal these days, and they don't want to go back. Hence why a huge phrase that comes up among democrats in this era of Harris being our nominee is "we don't go back." 

Now, some on the right have tried to weaponize this against the left, pointing out how some on the left are "weird." We all know what they're going after. Pink and purple haired SJWs, etc. But in some ways these attacks aren't landing as well. Why? Because most of these people are tiny minorities of people as a whole, and most don't want to force their views on others.

NOW, to be fair, SJWs are pushy, and this is why I'm so intent on muzzling them. I'm of the opinion that the left can win culture wars if we fight them defensively, let the right look like the insane ones, and when we look insane, we lose to them. Which is why I tend to reject SJWism. Those guys ARE kind of weird. While most sane "normal" lefties are just tolerant of others, and their preferred ways of living, SJWs have this thing of ramming it down everyone's throats. They push "celebrating diversity" and tend to try to normalize the more freaky parts of the left that make us look bad and "weird." And that's why "wokeism" doesn't work, and that's why they need to be in the back seat of the culture war movement, not in the front making all of the decisions. 

Again, the left has the energy because the RIGHT is putting their foots in their mouths and looking weird. In recent election cycles like 2016, they would just let the left self destruct and come off as weird. And this is why I've always been critical of the social justice types. Because they make us look bad. Because they put "wierd" front and center and then ram it down everyone's throats. Which isn't a winning strategy. Again, stay quiet and let your opponents make mistakes. And if you let them, they'll trip all over themselves.

Which brings us back to 2024. 2024 is shaping up to be a radically different environment than the late 2010s in terms of the energy on social issues. It reminds me more of 2012ish and what I've been saying all along. You got these religious crazies, they wanna ban abortion, they wanna ban porn, contraception, they have this whole weird project 2025 thing, and people don't like it. And they look weird. And now we can just defend our stuff with virtually no cost. Because we're letting our opponents make all of the mistakes while we keep our mouths shut and just point off how weird the crazy religious authoritarians are. 

All we really need to do is not screw up, and we will win. I mean there isnt anything inherently wrong with being weird as long as you keep it to yourself. But trying to force it on others causes problems. And this is why the right is losing now, and that's why the left has to avoid making the mistakes it often does. Make them look like the crazy ones wanting to shove stuff down our throats, don't be crazy and try to shove stuff down their throats ourselves. 

Thus concludes this lesson on "weirdness", pushiness, and the culture war. 

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