Friday, August 23, 2024

Are most voters just kind of stupid?

 So, I know this is a topic that generates A LOT of controversy, as a lot of people don't like to be called stupid, or intellectually inferior, or blah blah blah. But I'm looking at the state of America today. We got around 48% of people wanting to vote for a literal psychopath for president. This guy is a literal danger to democracy. His policies are irrational and insane, and he's fronting a lot of religious extremism. I don't want to focus on Trump here, so I'm just gonna say yes, I wrote off Trump's base of voters years ago as being hopelessly ignorant in terms of politics, and devoid of critical thinking. They fail to show even a basic literacy in policy, and most of their views are feels and vibes.

But the last week or so has gotten me thinking about the democrats. I admit, for the first month of Kamala Harris's candidacy, the excitement was justified. I mean, we didn't know what we were gonna get, and based on Harris's history of progressive policy, I actually thought she was among the best candidates the democrats would allow. However, I also approached the topic of Harris with a more cautious optimism. I mean, in 2020, I called her a fauxgressive. The kind of "progressive" who would fake left and then run to the right and be an establishment good old girl if elected. be blunt, with her policies dropping this week, I'm underwhelmed, and even disappointed. My enthusiasm for Harris is gone, and I'm back where I was earlier this year with the whole "ugh, Biden it is, I guess" mentality. 

To me, Harris is fundamentally not different from Biden. Her candidacy is just continuing Biden's policies. She's not moving the country left at all. She's not offering anything of note we haven't heard before. If anything, she's regressing on healthcare. But it seems like no one fricking cares. Outside of the hard left, who actually reads this stuff looking for policies to purity test, most people voting democrat don't care about policy. Only vibes. Many hated Biden a month ago, but OMG KAMALA ISN'T SHE SO DREAMY? WASN'T HER SPEECH LAST NIGHT SO GRAND?! I mean...when I covered her speech on this blog, I didn't say much of it, because it didn't land. It was boring. She discussed policy, yes, but she didn't offer anything that stood out to me.I kind of thought it was blah. I thought the whole convention was blah. it was a bunch of bluster about nothing. Yes, the dems nailed it on some topics, like reproductive rights and personal liberty, but on economics, it fell flat for me. But everyone is acting like this is the greatest thing since sliced bread and OMG OMG IM CRYING, IM SO EMOTIONAL, and I just feel...nothing but empty.

Only Bernie's speech truly moved me in the whole four day convention. He nailed it. Talking about policy, and not just policy, but the good stuff. The stuff Harris is trying to avoid talking about.

Now, I understand why the dems do things the way they do. They're trying to appease their stakeholders. The wealthy interests who want to make sure nothing fundamentally changes. They want to bring in moderates and republicans who are motivated by economic centrism and a screw you i got mine mentality. And I guess, to some extent, I can respect some people for having thought out views and ideologies i disagree with. But honestly, I really do feel alone here. Only the leftists are really holding this platform, and the relative lack of policy to account. Most people on the democratic side feel just as vibes based as the MAGA people on the republican side, and are what I'd call "mental sheep." Ya know, "WAKE UP SHEEPLE!" People who just go along with what the actual rulers in the country tell them, and get excited over a bunch of nothing like mommy jingling her keys in front of an infant and the infant thinking it's the greatest thing ever.

I mean, we can do better than this. We are literally conditioned at this point to fall in line and just accept basic competence for the job as an attractive quality. That's the bare minimum. And I'm really starting to think most people are brainwashed in this country to just passively accept whatever agenda is shoved down their throats. This time around, I feel like we had especially little say. 90% of people just passively backed biden for the primary, he got replaced with Harris, and now people are cheering at this mediocre agenda that does little and is just minimally competent. 

This is the kind of disaffection that in 2016 and 2020 led to me voting for a third party. Except then, there was a significant movement pushing back on the left. Bernie had around 45% of voters on his side in the primary in 2016, and as I see it, would've won if the dems didn't actively interfere to suppress him. In 2020, he didn't do as good, only 35%, but still a decent showing, and in part caused by active intervention within the party to get a result like that. At least with Bernie, we had POLICY. Bernie had tons of good ideas, I was very passionate about a lot of those ideas, and I didnt buy into a cult of personality, like, say, the republicans did with Trump.

but now with this Harris energy, i dont get it. She doesn't have much policy relative to Biden. She's just younger, less senile joe biden. How do you people get so excited over this? It's like when people get excited over JFK or Obama, "omg he's so dreamy"...BUT WHAT WILL THEY DO? And no one remembers them for things they did, but just vibes....and that's what Harris is. Another centrist democrat with no real policy agenda worth getting excited over, and everyone is going nuts over her. I don't get it. I just don't. 

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd rather be here, than where we were a month ago with Joe Biden in the race. That was dark. We were losing and losing badly. Harris brought it up to a highly competitive race that's anyone's game. And now, anyone can win. Harris, Trump, flip a coin. We don't know. But really? Nothing changed. We just replaced the old guy with the middle aged woman with the same policies. Why are you guys so fricking excited? 

And so much focusing on normalcy. Omg, she's normal. Even the daily show lampooned this. I get it, compared to crazies like trump and vance it's amazing to have someone more normal, but honestly? I don't go for normal. I dont buy the whole "I'm one of you" schtick. I just don't. I don't share her values, and on policies she's pretty milquetoast. She might offer policies around the edges but she doesn't offer anything that deserves enthusiasm. If you want a real working class candidate, vote for Bernie Sanders. That guy excited ME. Harris doesn't.

Idk, I just don't feel like I'm alone, like very few people think like me, and very few people actually care about policy or ideas. It's all vibes and cults of personality. The democratic base isn't much different than the republican base. They might be a little smarter and less insane, but theyre not as smart as I thought they were. They have more in common with MAGA than they think. Much like MAGA, it's all personality and vibes. Maybe they're a little better on ideology, but they're not amazing. I just don't get normal democrats. I call centrist democrats the uncanny valley of suck. In a sense, their political ideology is just something I never got. I went from being right wing to being left. I skipped over that entire branch of politics. And I guess if you were raised as a democrat and never thought as much about politics as I have, then maybe they really arent much better than republicans. Baby's first ideology, still in the cave, easily manipulatable. And much like a "cave" dweller, has disdain for those who left, hence why they hate progressives and lefties. 

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