Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ya know, sometimes I feel like I have more in common with leftists than I'm willing to admit

 So, between watching the debates on the left about Harris and the democrats play out, and also researching some anti work stuff, I kinda realize my politics are a bit more radical than I think they are. 

In all honesty, I don't like a lot of liberals, especially American liberals who call themselves "democrats". A lot of their politics sucks. As I said, their politics is pretty much known to me as the uncanny valley of suck. They try so hard to pander to moderate conservatives that they create this brand of politics, that was offputting to me both as a former conservative, and a modern progressive. 

Take Hillary Clinton. I mean I couldve theoretically voted for her in 2008, but did i WANT HRC? No, I just wanted a conservative who wasn't a neocon and who was better on the national debt. If the republican running that election didn't suck by republican standards, I never would've considered a democratic vote. I actually only considered the democrat because they were more aligned with me on more salient issues than the republicans were. Which is why that entire neocon brand of modern conservatism died out. NO ONE liked that stuff by 2008. Conservatives were demoralized with their own party. Quite frankly, because it wasn't extreme enough or true to its actual principles and ideology. 

But then during the Obama years, the brand of conservatism that replaced the neocon RINOs ended up being horrifying, and ended up turning me off from conservative ideals in general. So I shifted left, and I ended up quickly shifting left of the democrats. because their entire brand of politics sucks. It's like the same energy as the McCain RINO crap I hated on the GOP side. Like let's never stand for principles or anything, lets run to the center and compromise with the other party. And I HATED it. Most conservatives dont want that crap. And on the left, I didn't want that crap either, hence the uncanny valley of suck. 

Moderation is a trap. It's something everyone says they want but when they get it, it's like drinking hot floater water in your car on a hot day. Like BLEH! Your body wants to reject it. It's GROSS. It's slimey. Oh god is that a chunk of that pizza I had two weeks ago floating in there? BLEH! 

But liberals are gonna lib, and as the reality of Kamala Harris is setting in and we're realizing she's running to the center on everything, there is this resurgence of left wing rhetoric lately and it's refreshing. Like about how the two parties are part of the same corporate duopoly, and both are hell bent on stopping us from having good things.

I've hinted at this before, but I've been trying to write something, rather unsuccessfully, about my views against work and human centered capitalism. And I actually have a lot of critiques of capitalism that aren't unlike what leftists have. Heck they seem to come to a lot of the same conclusions that work is slavery and our system is designed to keep us basically being slaves. I can't really dispute them.

Hell, the big thing that makes me NOT a leftist is despite this, my own exegesis of the situation is a bit different than theirs. I reject revolution. I reject the desire to throw out the entire system and replace it with socialism or anarchism or communism. I don't necessarily see the core problem with capitalism as capitalism. I see it as coercion to work. I don't necessarily see the solution as a revolution to overthrow the system. I see it as reforming the system as I see fit, most notably with UBI, universal healthcare, and the other measures I'm constantly for. 

I mean, in some ways, I'm like leftist in my ethos, only to end up being more liberal and reasonable in my actual solutions, recognizing pursuing leftism is a trap and a fool's errand. But then i go back, look at the democrats and with the exception of Bernie Sanders I see all these "working class" people who supposedly "get it" like Kamala Harris and even fricking AOC circlejerking about how great work is...and I really...just dont feel part of the tribe. I don't feel like a liberal sometimes. Because being a liberal feels wrong. It seems to be about giving up my own analysis of capitalism, gaslighting myself, running to the center into that uncanny valley of suck that my body and soul just want to reject like really gross floater water, and UGH. I just reject it like infant me rejected my baptism into christianity (yeah true story but i had a flu that day as a baby and puked on the altar apparently). 

But again, I ain't really big on leftists either. I trash them a lot and for good reason. Their priorities are bad. For as much as they claim to care about how oppressive capitalism is, most of them get way too obsessed with the intersectionality nonsense, or with fricking gaza, and uh...i just dont have that insane anti west perspective they do. my issue with capitalism is more that it doesn't actually live up to what I see as the highest embodiment of western principles, life (and harm reduction), liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Hell capitalism doesnt even live up to its own principles of voluntary exchange. And that's literally the entire fricking problem with it. If people werent forced to navigate rigged and exploitative markets and participate in the system involuntarily, I'd have virtually no problems with capitalism. It's a great idea in theory, and I still side with capitalism over the likes of socialism or communism. My problem with capitalism is it doesnt give people ENOUGH freedom. Do socialists and other anticapitalists want to fix it properly? No? Just take the r/antiwork idiots who for all of their talking a big game about how much capitalism sucks, then crap on UBI and then push for a fricking socialist job guarantee or some crap. And then ban people like me for being ideological capitalists who arent fully in lockstep with their batcrap insane views on things.Ya know?

I guess it really is as I always say it is. I'm too leftist for the liberals, I'm too liberal for the leftists. I'm both radical and moderate at the same time. Some views I have are really off the wall anti capitalist levels of extreme, but then when you ask me about solutions, my views end up being far more moderate.

And I guess that's why I always have had the political trajectory that I did, where in 2016 I thought that the leftist rhetoric of bernie was great, but I also kind of knew how to rein it in and dial it down to stay on the liberal side of solutions like, bernie's ideas or mine with a UBI. I knew that LITERAL COMMUNISM was never gonna work, and then suddenly bernie's die hard base decided "hey, let's advocate for literal communism", and i ended up waking up and realizing these people were insane. So I moderated. But I still have that more extreme streak that comes out at times, and now, given how dissatisfied I am with harris, that side of me IS coming out, and I am really starting to feel the culture shock of trying to fit in with democrats, only to realize that we're not on the same page, and I STILL hate these frickers as much as I did in 2016.

I mean, really, I REALLY don't even wanna vote for Harris. Quite frankly, her pitch on the "opportunity" economy and wanting to nominate republicans in her administration is turning me off HARD. Like, really. She's ALIENATING ME so hard trying to run to the center to win over the exact kinds of voters I don't want anything to do with. And listening to liberals contort themselves into a pretzel tonight about why this is a good thing, it just makes me realize how much I despise these people. I really fricking cant stand moderate libs. They're insufferable. Their political instincts are trash. And for all the talk of how this crap helps get democrats elected, they cant do anything because they've watered themselves down so much it's like drinking OG diet coke with tons of ice melted in it. You know, another "BLEH DO I REALLY HAVE TO DRINK THIS" drink. UGH. 

I know. I keep making drink metaphors but that's how I see it. It's like, democrats are the most bland and unappealing thing ever. Like, they're not outright disgusting, although they border on it. The GOP obviously is like drinking straight poison by comparison and dying in horrible agony. But it's like...ugh, is this the best we can do? 

Honestly, if Trump wasn't literally that poison, I would be considering a third party. What's the point in voting for democrats if they're just gonna act like moderate republicans anyway? That's how I see it. The only reason a Harris vote is really on the table at this point is because the alternative is Trump, and Trump is literally American Hitler as far as I'm concerned. hand is forced. But you know what? This is my blog, and I'm gonna whine about it all I want all the way to election day and beyond, so buckle up. Just because I'm voting for Harris doesn't mean I like her. It's purely a strategic move to stop a fascist. I'm still gonna be just as critical of centrist libs as I've always been. Because I just can't stay at peace with them, even in times like this. Because they'll sell you out and stab you in the back at the first opportunity. And they are. So yeah. That's how I view things.

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