Thursday, August 1, 2024

Who will be Kamala Harris' running mate?

 So, more speculation on this matter. It seems like the options are being whittled down to 3 choices. Tim Walz, Andy Beshear, or Josh Shapiro. 

Policy wise, Walz is my pick. He's supposed to be the most progressive of the bunch, while also being more approachable, but I actually think he's the least likely one being considered. 

Shapiro is the most likely. Apparently betting odds sites are going nuts for him, and the VP is going to appear with Harris in Philly on Tuesday, and who is governor of PA? Cough cough, hint hint. 

The other one who still seems in the running is Beshear. I see a lot of liberals going nuts over him and how "progressive" he is, but idk, red state governor? Gets on cable news and starts talking like an enlightened centrist? maybe he isnt as bad as I think but he doesn't fit the mold of what I want.

But yeah, it seems like it's a governor. it's not Roy Cooper, he dropped out

I'm kinda glad Mark Kelly doesn't seem to be a front runner. Never got the guy's appeal. OMG, he was an astronaut? Who cares? What are his political positions? Oh, he's a centrist? F that guy. That's literally my mentality with him. 

Again, I want to keep Kamala as left as humanly possible, and I'm gonna approach this VP pick as a litmus test for how dedicated to progressive causes she is. 

Anyway, it seems implied whoever it is is gonna be a governor, and Kelly is kinda needed for Arizona right now. 

Another one possible is Pete Buttigieg according to the betting odds sites. But yeah, he seems to be highly unlikely. 

All in all, probably Shapiro. Which some progressives are freaking out about, but let's face it, on the issues he's bad, I'm kinda apathetic. Oh he called those nuts in DC protesting for palestine bad things? Good. Those guys are fricking nuts! Oh, he's for vouchers? Eh...i mean, i dont really like the idea of school vouchers as it undermines public school funding somewhat, but at the same time, living in PA, a lot of our inner city public schools are trash and I had to go to private school as a kid just to get a not crappy education where I wouldn't get beat up every day. So...idk. Like, I'm not big on the idea, but I kinda understand the argument as someone on the pulse of a PA voter. And yeah. Like, this is what people dont understand about the likes of Fetterman, Shapiro, etc. I mean, PA is a pretty moderate state. But it's not moderate necessarily in the way the dem party likes to moderate. It's kinda this rough around the edges we could go progressive on economics but on non economic issues we kinda have weird quirky centrist views kinda moderate. Like a lot of progressive purity tests being leveled at people here don't resonate with me. I dont care about israel. heck, being anti israel in PA is gonna piss off the jewish vote while not getting us a darned thing with the left. Fracking, again, everything here is "muh jerbs." Education, it's like whatever works. And yeah. Really, what wins and loses PA is kitchen table stuff. Wages, jobs, healthcare, I mean, my own ideal platform is built out of my experiences with rust belt PA. UBI (instead of a focus on wages and jobs), medicare for all (healthcare), higher education (because that crap ain't affordable and there aint jobs to make up for it). You know? 

So...all that said, idk, Shapiro's flaws are flaws I can live with. I know a lot of online lefties hate the guy for some reason, especially in this era of these people being bugnuts over israel, but to be blunt, these leftists need to get over it already. It's not a winning issue, it doesnt affect most people, and it's a really terminally online fixation and not an issue that resonates in the real world. Locking down PA may just lock down the electoral college for us, and yeah. Would I prefer someone else? Someone more progressive? Sure. But I'd rather take whatever compromises Shapiro has than fricking Beshear or Kelly. Really, what I DONT like are CORPORATE moderates. ECONOMIC moderates. Moderates on healthcare, or labor rights, or welfare. You know? So...yeah. That's my take on that.

If it's Harris/Shapiro, then I support the ticket. I mean, I've been saying from the start, it's the best choice strategically. You guys know me, despite my ideology, I'm a numbers guy, and we all know what the electoral map looks like here. We need PA. It's the #1 swing state we need to win. We live or die by PA this election. So, yeah. Shapiro is the obvious strategic choice.

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